Mission save Nymphadora

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They reached the forest where the battle with the werewolves had taken place before. There was no one except the Order. Three quiet pop were heard and Kingsley, McGonagall and Emmeline arrived.

,,What happened? Sirius sent us a word that Tonks had been kidnapped. That's true? " McGonagall asked with concern.

"Yes, that's true, she had a ministry mission here, and Grayback and his men captured her." said Molly.

,,But where did they go? "Asked Emmeline.

,,She's not here. They've taken her far from here." Remus said with a deep voice, he looks around confidently and he seems very focused.

,,How do you know that?"

,,I'm a werewolf, I have a better sense of smell than ordinary people. I don't smell her. They've taken her away from here, somewhere they have some sort of hiding place. Hopefully, it's still here in the woods, they could have taken her anywhere."

,,So we have to start looking." exclaims Kingsley.

,,Then let's move quickly." Moody started to move on, all others following at him.

They walked through the forest and had no idea where to go. They didn't even know if it was the right place at all. They had only a gentle hope. Remus sniffed steadily in, but nothing, the wind had long since swept away all the scents. Moody's magical eye spun around nervously, but he couldn't see anything other than trees and some squirrels. They couldn't find any footprints in the soil. How the hell should they find the right place?

,,Look at it. "Molly leaned toward a tree that had strong animal claws traces.

,,These are traces of a werewolf, certainly." cries Remus, he tries to smell again but feels nothing.

,,I think we're still in the right place. And we're getting closer to them. "Arthur said.

,,So let's move on, we don't have time to lose." Moody snapped again.

They moved steadily for more than an hour, and every once in a while they could see traces of a wolf's claw or the bones of a slaughtered animal, confirming that they were on the right track. When they found another claw trace on one big stone, Remus sniffed again. He smelled the leaves and soil, and the delicate aroma of raspberry shampoo...

,,Dora?" he whispered.

,,What did you say, my boy?" Moody asked. Everyone's eyes moved to Remus.

,,Remus dear, what did you find?" Molly shook Remus's hand gently.

,,It's her scent, she's somewhere down there!" Remus points his hand somewhere and starts to run without thinking. Everybody follows him. In about 20 minutes, they arrive at dozens of small houses, these resemble more decayed hut. There seems to be no movement.

,,They're probably on the hunt." Remus replies. He sniffs again and smells his Dora clearly.

,,We can't be sure of that. Do you see anyone, Alistor?" asked McGonagall.

Moody's magical eye begins to spin: "At a moment, someone is in this small house, I think they are prisoners. I don't see someone else."

,,How stupid it is to leave prisoners unattended. Maybe it's a trap. "Emmeline offers.

,,Possibly, but we have to try and hope it is not."

They sneaked toward the house, a wand of all firmly outstretched. Kingsley, Remus, and Moody entered the house, while others stayed out watch out that nobody would come. When the three men entered the house there was only one person, it was Hildson and he appeared to be unconscious. Kingsley brought him back to consciousness. Hildson slowly woke up, at first to he was scared, but then he recognized Kingsley and Moody and he started happy shouting, "Oh you came to save me ... I was pretty sure you would come ... I"

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