Worst Christmas

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NB! THIS IS A VERY DARK CHAPTER. I didn't use fan art because I couldn't find enough sad fan art.

Remus sat at the Christmas table with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Fleur. The evening had been great. Only Fleur's minor insults to Tonks made Remus terribly disturbed.

"Zhe zhould work harder for her appearance, zo it's terrible to zee a face like this in a during meetingz!" "Her hair looks zimilar to that of a carpet." "Oh, Ronald, you're az clumzy az this ... Tonkz!"

At one point, Molly suffering stopped:,, I called my dear Tonks here today, but she didn't want to come. But Sirius promised to come over tonight."

,,Why doesn't Tonks want to come here? Has something happened? She has changed a lot at the last time. Why?" Ginny asked.

,,Well..." Molly glanced at Remus.

,,You'll will understand when you're older, Ginny. "Bill says sharply, signaling to his sister that the conversation about Tonks has ended.

But Harry didn't seem to understand the hint, "Tonks patronus has changed. I didn't know it was possible. Why the patronus change?" He looked Remus with intetested look.

He felt shocked, slowly swallowed his turkey, and then said, "In the meantime, a big emotional upheaval ... or great emotions."

,,It was big and it had a four legs. Looked like a big dog. It couldn't be..."
The door that opened suddenly stopped Harry talking,, ...Sirius?"

Everyone looked at the breathless black-haired man whos leaning tiredly against the outside door.

,,Sirius, I didn't expect you to come so early. Is everything okay?" Molly asked as she walked towards Sirius.

,,Nym..." Sirius was breathing hard, he had run all the way and he can't the words out of his mouth.

,,Whats wrong with her?" Remus shouted in panic, he got up from his chair in fright, Arthur carefully pushed him back to sit, Arthur felt Sirius havent come with the good news ... and he was right.

,,She...She was trying to commit suicide."

,,What!?!" Hermione and Ginny yelled together.

Molly's hands moved on her mouth in shock. The twins whispered something to each other , Fleur snapped something at Bill and Harry just looked at Sirius with a shocked look.

,,What? Why?" Remus asked panicking,, How?"

,,I left her alone this morning to go shopping for Christmas presents. Moody promised to go check her out. When Moody reached at Tonks apartment at 3 noon, she was in the bath with her clothes, her hands were split, and an empty tablet can was on the floor...If Moody had arrived an hour later, she would have died. The doctors keep her unconscious until they know what medications she was taking, these were Muggles and without labels."

,,Why did she do that?" Ron asked.

,,Because she didn't want to live anymore."

,,Why?" Remus was still shocked,, Dora is a young person...she shouldn't..."

,,Remus, when was last time when you saw her? She has changed and all because of you! You're guilty of it all." Sirius said poisoningly.

,,Sirius, you can't blame Remus for that!" Molly said quickly.

,,Yes I can! Because of him, Tonks is depressed, because of him, her patronus changed, and because of him, she can't change her appearance no longer. If Remus had been here she wouldn't have been trying to kill herself, if Remus had been there for her The poor girl would have survived her friend and the child death better, and would not have done it to herself."

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