Which side are you on?

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The Order held a modest funeral for Moody. Only half of the members of the order were present, as no one wanted the Death Eaters to interfere with the funeral, so this had do be a small event. He was buried in the same cemetery where Lily and James were buried years ago. Molly forbade the Order to tell the children about Moody's funeral. Neither Harry, nor Hermione, nor Ron and Ginny could find out, at the behest of the protective mother, that Moody's body had been found and a funeral had been arranged. Moody's funeral was a short, modest but very painful event. All the guests shed a tear or two or a dozen. The coffin was never opened during the funeral, as it would not have been honorable for the fallen soldier. At the end of the funeral, Tonks gave a short speech, and then the Order disbanded again to prepare for the wedding the next day.


Remus heard in his sleep how Tonks moved beside him, climbed out of bed, and ran out of the room. He opened his eyes and looked around the room sleepily, his ears hadn't cheated on him, Tonks wasn't next to him, and based on the sounds from the bathroom, Remus could say she was in the bathroom. Remus slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom door. There was a cough in the bathroom and a faint moan. Remus knocked anxiously on the door, and when there was no answer, he took the right to open the door. Tonks knelt over the toilet bowl, her face white, and there were pleasant tears in her eyes. Remus took several long and quick steps to her, knelt beside her and lifted her hair away from her face so that they will not get dirty when she vomited. After about five minutes, Tonks' face had some color again and she looked better. Remus went to the sink, took a cup next to it and filled it with cold water.

,,Take it," he said sweetly and handed the glass to Tonks, who thanked with a small nod.

She took a few sips of water, then rested her head wearily on Remus' shoulder. Remus fondly smoothed her hair and shoulders.

,,Are you all right, Dora? Are you sick?"Remus pressed his lips against Tonks' forehead, but she didn't seem to have a fever.

,,Maybe." she answered wearily and closed her eyes.

They sat like this for a while, in the middle of the bathroom floor. But suddenly Sirius opened the door with a very sleepy look, he had tangled hair and checkered sleeping pants. He drove them out of the bathroom. Remus carried Tonks back to Tonks' childhood room, and they lay in bed in each other's arms for a while.

At one point, Tonks raised her head sharply from Remus' shoulder and said in a determined voice, "I want to eat."

And so they went to the kitchen both still dressed in pajamas. Since it was a Monday and it was already nine o'clock, Andromeda and Ted had both left home and gone to work. But the kitchen table was then filled with the food that Andromeda had left there. They sat at the table and ate quickly, as Tonks had to go to work in the ministry in an hour. Tonks ate with great appetite the various things She could find on the table, it seemed a little strange to Remus, because only fifteen minutes earlier She had been in the bathroom and vomiting.

,,Love, maybe you shouldn't go to work today?"

,,Why not?"

,,You felt bad this morning, maybe you're sick. You should rest." his voice was very worried, and he squeezed Tonks' hand.

Tonks swallowed her mouth empty and then replied, "I feel very good. Besides, I'm only in the office today filling out papers. I will be fine."

,,Okay, but promise me you'll come home right away if you feel a little bad. "

,,I promise." she said with smile.

An hour later, Tonks entered the Auror's office. The entire office was quiet, as most of the Aurors had been sent on foreign missions or were on summer vacation. Tonks went straight to her office and started filling out the paperwork. She wanted to finish her work quickly so that she could return home to Remus as soon as possible and get ready for the Bill and Fleur wedding with him. She opened the file on Greyback's last attack two full months ago. In recent days, Tonks has noticed that she has been involved in various missions related to werewolves and Greyback. At first, it seemed suspicious to her, and Tonks thought the ministry had found out about her and Remus 'marriage, and now they were trying to scare her, but after a short and very unpleasant conversation with one bitch named Dolores, she realized that they had given her these missions only because that she has been in contact with Greyback before. Tonks was focused on reading the file, and she didn't even notice how her office door opened. It wasn't until someone's hands touched her shoulders that Tonks' attention jumped out of the file and she pointed her wand at the attacker. It was Hildson, and Tonks would have liked to have the right to beat her colleague, but unfortunately, she did not have that right.

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