Show your love before it's too late

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                             (Song) (My full playlist, enjoy!)


They ran, they rushed up the stairs. They couldn't think of anything but the anxious feeling that struck them at once. How did the Death Eaters get in?

When they reached the astronomical tower, they were both terrified. There was a battle, with dozens of Death Eaters. Tonks ran to Ginny and Luna while Remus rushed to help Neville and Ron.

The faces of all the Death Eaters were covered with masks, except for one...Greyback. The werewolf had pushed Ginny and Luna into the corner, both girls wands were lying away in the floor. Tonks grabbed the fallen roof tile and threw it against Greyback's nape, pulling the werewolf's attention away from the girls.

"Hey, stinky, do you remember me?"

,,Of course, my love." Greyback growled, he took a step toward Tonks and pointed his wand at her.

The dark green ray came out of Greyback's wand, and Tonks jumped away and sent a stunning spell to the Werewolf, from which he jumped away. Tonks stumbled past another dark green ray at the last minute. She deliberately let herself fall and sent a new stunning spell without Greyack expecting it. He fell unconscious. Tonks hurriedly got up and grabbed Greyback's fallen wand and broke it in half, then threw it back to his unconscious body.

"Sleep well, darling," Tonks said with a poisoned voice, she kicked the unconscious monster with her foot.

She ran on, she stunned several Death Eaters without even focusing on it. It had been more than a year since she had fought in the last great battle, and she had learned a lot that year. She noticed the four Death Eaters who attacked Remus and Ron.

She ran to them and stunned one of Death Eaters. The other three immediately turned to Tonks and attacked her with various spells. Remus made one of them unarmed and stunned then, while Ron tied the two Death Eaters with a spell.

,,Thank you, it was so much easier, "Ron said gratefully noged to Tonks.

Auror smiled quickly and said, "It's my pleasure. But let's go and kick others asses."

She ran on, deftly stopping the Death Eaters' attacks and sending her spells against them. It may have been a battle, but Tonks felt freer and safer at that moment than she had felt for a long time.

,,Dora, look out!"

Before Tonks realized what was going on, a spell struck her and she fell to the floor in fright. She tried to get up again and move on, but someone's strong hands stopped her.

"Are you all right?" Remus asked in horror, he puted his arms on Tonks's tiny shoulders.

"I'm fine. Let me go, Remus. We have to move on!"

They jumped up quickly as the next spells moved towards them. Remus stopped those spells. Tonks stepped away from him, and began a duel with one of the masked Death Eaters. Remus stayed close to Tonks to protect her back and prevent spells from reaching her. But suddenly all the Death Eaters retreated, and ran up the stairs to the astronomy tower, Tonks tried to follow them, but she bounced back and flew to the floor before she could enter the stairs.

,,Tonks!" cried Ginny, "are you all right?"

,,Yes, I'm fine. The stairs are under a spell."

,,Why did they go there?" Ron asked.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now