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,,I knew it! I knew that one day you will leave me because of someone younger! I knew I was too old for you and one day you want someone younger. How could you do that to me, Dora? "

,,Are you done? "Tonks asked, adjusting their breastfeeding four-day-old son.

,,Yes, thank you for listening to me, "Remus replied, bringing clean clothes from the drawer to Teddy.

He picked out one of Teddy's dark gray costumes and then took it to Tonks on their bed. She smiled gratefully, now trying to feed their Teddy and take off his vomited clothes at once. Remus tried to help her, but for fear that they would break off the little baby's arms or legs, he retreated quite quickly and allowed Tonks to deal with it herself.

,,How many times have we changed her clothes today? "Tonks asked, putting Teddy in his pants with one hand.

,,Seven and it's only four in the afternoon, "Remus replied.

,,Do we even have so much clothes for him? How is it possible that something so small can produce so much dirt? We definitely need to bathe him again today, he has milk in his hair. "

,,How is milk on his ... ah you know what, I don't even want to know. "Remus stopped before the question was settled.

,,Can you go down and get me a glass of water? He sucks me completely empty, I need some drink, "

,,Of course, Dora, "

When Remus returned, Teddy had finished eating, he was dressed and put to sleep in a  hanging cradle next his parents' bed. Tonks had changed clothes in the meantime and was now wearing jeans and a larger sweater. She was very happy that the extra weight and belly accumulated during the pregnancy started to decrease slightly and she was able to wear jeans again. She took the glass from Remus and drunk the glass empty with one big sip, and then, with the empty glass still in her hand, fell to bed. Remus took the glass from her and placed it on the cupboard before crawling into bed next to her and pulling Tonks into his arms. Neither of them had slept much in recent days. Teddy needed much their attention, and quietly Tonks began to feel like her newborn son was laughing at her. Remus, a little more rational, tried to explain to her that young children need to be fed almost ten times a day, and changing diapers and clothes about the same amount. But the young, stubborn mother was convinced that her son was conspiring with his father, and that every night cry and vomiting was coordinated with his father.

,,At least I have Junior who loves me!" she said one morning when a two-day-old child once again left half digested milk on her shoulder.

It was all because, for some reason, Teddy did much less trouble when he was in Remus' arms. The little boy could sleep in his father's chest without waking up, but as soon as his mother took him in her arms, he began to cry after a few minutes. Teddy calm in Tonks' hand only when he was fed, and it made Tonks say, "So I'm only fit to feed you, or what, young Mr. Edward?" So as soon as the baby was fed, she gave Teddy either to Remus' or placed him carefully in the cradle. Often, while Remus was holding Teddy, Tonks decided to keep Junior hostage. Although the cat was not very happy about it, the large furry animal softened as soon as Tonks began stroking him.

,,It's the best family I've ever seen, "Andromeda laughed as she photographed the scene where smiling Remus held a tiny blue-haired boy in his arms, Tonks, her hair tangled and her hands full of subtle scars, holding a black long-haired cat and at the same time trying to keep a straight face in front of the camera.

Although Tonks felt that Teddy was a little unfair to her, she felt every day how her love for this little boy grew every day. And after the fourth day, she could no longer imagine life without him and Remus.

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