One step at a time and then things will get better

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The afternoon sun shone through the window, and straight into Remus' eyes. He growled at the disturbing light, and raised the blanket over his head. He reached out his hand to wrap it around Tonks ... Remus suddenly jumped up from the bed and looked around in panic. He was alone in the room, the bed side next to him was empty. Still wearing the previous day's clothes, Remus ran out of the room and run to the downstairs. He didn't know the house absolutely, he had no idea where Tonks might be. After a few minutes of panicking, he found the kitchen. Andromeda was standing in front of the stove, Ted sitting at the table.

,,Oh, morning, Remus. " Andromeda greeted him happily, as if yesterday had not even happened," Very good you woke up. Breakfast is ready. Can you go and wake Nymphadora and Sirius up? "

,,Dora is not upstairs. I ... I thought you knew where she is?" black lights flashed in Remus' eyes, panic filled his whole body.

,,Wait, is she not in her room?" Ted asked.

,,No," Remus shook his head, he had to lean against the wall so as not to faint.

Andromeda turned off the stove and hurriedly turned to her husband, "We're going to look for her. Ted, wake Sirius up."

Within seconds, Ted, Andromeda, and Sirius were out of the house looking for Tonks. Remus began to go with them, but then Andromeda put both hands on his shoulders, pushed him back into the house, and told him to sit on the bench in the hallway.

,,Remus, honey, maybe it would be better if you stayed here. When Nymphadora comes back, is there anyone who can let us know, okay? "Before Remus could argue, Andromeda and the others were gone, and Remus was left alone in a house he didn't know and where he had only been once before.

For the next four hours, he sat on the couch, staring nervously at the clock, and stroking Junior, who had lost half of his back hair due to the smoothing, and who tried to escape but could not, as Remus held him tightly against himself. Suddenly, Remus heard a noise opening the front door. He rushed into the hallway and sighed with relief as Tonks stood in front of him. 

,,Oh, Dora. "Remus ran toward her and wrapped his arms around her," Where did you go? Why didn't you tell us where you were going? Where the hell you were? Oh, Dora."he put one hand on her neck, wanting to pull her towards him for a kiss, but after hearing her's painful cry, he quickly pulled his hand away, he was surprised to see the scarf around Tonks's neck, "Dora, why are you wearing a scarf in the middle of summer? Are you in pain?" he wanted to take the scarf around her neck, but she stopped him by placing her hand on his hand, at that moment Remus noticed that her hair was pink again, though very light.

Tonks slowly pulled the scarf off her neck, a slightly painful moment on her face as the fabric or hand touched her skin. When the scarf had fallen, Tonks turned her head slightly and Remus saw a red spot on her nape. But it was not an ordinary red spot, in the middle of this spot was a very gorgeous and fine written ink text, "Constant vigilance"

,,I once promised to do it, "Tonks replied, her voice was considerably healthier than it had been twelve hours ago," I promised him to tattoo it on my nape."

Remus could help but smile and pull her to a sweet kiss.


When Remus woke up the next day he was alone again, but for some reason, he didn't panic this time. He changed his clothes and headed downstairs. Because the time was early, no one else was awake, and the house was completely quiet. He was able to hear the sounds from the basement room, and as he went downstairs, he reached the sports room what Ted had built there for Tonks to train for her Auror training. This room was filled with a variety of sports equipment, both wizards' and Muggles' own. In the middle of the room, a large boxing bag hung from the ceiling, which Tonks beated hardly. She wore short sports clothes, her hair was rose pink and set on a high ponytail. Remus walked toward her, and stood beside her. She looked up at him and stopped beating the boxing bag. They smiled at each other, and then Tonks continued, and Remus watched his wife survive her anger and resentment at that old and poor boxing bag.

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