Only if I must

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Days passed. Every day was wonderful for the Lupins family. Teddy grew, every day he seemed to be more and more wonderful for his parents. More and more Teddy started to change his hair and eyes, every day he used more of his special gift. He had a habit of changing his hair according to the person whose lap he wanted. When his hair was pink, he usually wanted his mother to feed him, when it was his natural sandy brown, he wanted to be between his father's protective hands, and when it was black, it meant that the situation was so bad that the new parents could not handle it anymore and Teddy wanted his grandmother to deal with him instead.

The month of May had begun, the weather had become warmer and the last snow had melted from the yard. The Lupins decided to spend the day outside. It was warm and beautiful outside. Andromeda planted new flowers, Remus plucked leaves and twigs melted from under the snow. Tonks walked around, pushing Teddy's cart. Teddy was awake, his eyes searching with interest at the sky and everything else he could see while lying in the cart. He was exactly three weeks old and already so curious. Moon ran around the garden, chasing butterflies and bees. Junior sat by the open window, watching the running dog as if she were the greatest idiot in the world.

,,Do you like being outside? "Tonks asked Teddy in a high voice," It's so beautiful and interesting, isn't it? As you get older, Mommy and Daddy will take you to the forest and to the beach, and to the city and many other places, darling, it's gona be so awsome."

Teddy frowned in response and reached for his mother, Tonks took him out of the cart and walked to Remus.

,,Do you want Daddy, Teddy-Bear? "Remus asked, letting the rake fall, Tonks handed the child to Remus, who accepted the little boy without hesitation.

,,I'm going to get lemonade, I'm thirsty. Watch him for me in the meantime, "

,,Everything for you, Mrs. Lupin, "Remus replied, kissing Tonks quickly on the lips.

Tonks went back to the house and took out a jug of home-made lemonade that Andromeda had made in the morning. At first, she wanted to take three glasses with her, but after she stumbled and almost dropped one of them, she decided to drink hers in the kitchen and take only two cups with her. She took one cup to Andromeda, who gratefully received it with her muddy hands. Then she took another cup to Remus, who was now sitting under an apple tree on an old bench, swinging Teddy in his hands. Tonks sat next to him and handed Remus a cup, Remus accepted it with a smile but placed it on the bench without drinking. Tonks rested her head on Remus' shoulder, she closed her eyes, just enjoying the feeling. Remus did the same, letting his head lean against Tonks's head. Without anyone understanding, both Tonks' and Teddy's hair turned a bright turquoise blue of exactly the same shade.

Andromeda, noticing this, headed back to the house, bringing a camera full of pictures of the three. In the last few days, there were many such situations where the three of them enjoyed the closeness of each other, and every time when Andromeda discovered such a situation, she took one or a few pictures of them, and she did so again.

,,I should think of the profession as a family photographer, "she laughed to herself before going back to dealing with flowers.

For a time, there was nothing that could have ruined the peaceful sleep of the Lupins, in the spring yard, in the midst of fresh flowers and warm sun. Teddy was always calm in such situations, and the little boy seemed deeply satisfied. Tonks's lips always had a sweet smile, and her usually pale face appeared pinkish and her freckles became brighter. Remus looked as if he were at least ten years younger, and his contented smile completely won attention away from the scars nesting on his face. 

Andromeda finished work in one of the flower beds and moved to the other side of the house to work on the next. She hummed quietly herself and Ted's wedding waltz, her head playing through beautiful memories. She felt happy, but deep down she knew it would be better to be with her husband, whether in the living world or in the land of the dead. Seeing her daughter live a wonderful family life hurt her a little. She remembered a time when she had a similar life, and it seemed so unfair that she had to give it up because the war had taken away the man she loved. Of course, she was insanely happy about her daughter, but she feared that one day her daughter would have to go through the same heartache as she had. And like witchcraft, events began, that Andromeda had feared for years and those events had haunted her in the biggest nightmares.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now