Mischief Managed

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Someone's high and triumphant laughter crept into Sirius' ears, causing him a terrible headache, he opened his eyes with pain, his whole body feeld like it is broken and crushed. When his eyes finally focused, he saw a pile of rocks and the ruins of a castle fall directly on his beloved cousin and his best friend. He wanted to shout, wanted to go and kill Bellatrix, but he couldn't move his body. He felt like a empth madness with pain, sadness and anger. He tried to move, but only his hands moved. Quietly he tried to crawl towards them. Suddenly everything was quiet. As if the end of the world had arrived. Everything was quiet, nothing but pain, injustice, and Sirius crawling toward his friends along the cold and broken stone ground.

,,They can't be dead," he repeated to himself, both physical and inner pain growing every time he said so.

Effortlessly, after a few torturous minutes, he reached for a pile of stones, pushed himself as up as he could, and began to throw stones away in furious despair. Every move was insanely painful for him, but the agonizing feeling of his soul was even worse. Each stone was like another reminder that no matter how hard he tries, his friends are still dead.

,,Sirius?" he heard a low voice shouting at him, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it, deep down he hoped that if he quickly got the stones off them, it could save them, "Sirius? The Death Eaters ran away, the battle is over!" someone's footsteps ran to him, and when that person was already behind him, he recognized his voice, it was Kingsley, "What are you doing?"

Sirius threw one of the larger stones with all his might and then said through a strong pain, "To...Tonks and Re ... re ... Remus, is down here,"

,,Oh, bloody hell, "Kingsley shouted, kneeling next to the Sirius, starting to throw stones as well.

They had no idea exactly where they were. The pile of stone was large enough that down there could accommodate a whole army. Kingsley exclaimed loudly, "I found them!" Sirius turned his head to see Tonks' small hand standing between the stones.

Sirius quickly went there, and the two men began throwing large stones together. Hope filled Sirius so much that he completely forgot about the pain. Remus's back quietly appeared from under the pile of stones, and then his head. Remuse's body completely hid Tonks' tiny body. When most of the stones had been removed, a terrifying sight appeared. Although the faces of both of them were calm and peaceful, the bodies of both of them dripped with blood almost everywhere, especially Remus' condition was bad. His clothes were torn, blood was everywhere, and his face had many blue spots and deep bloody wounds. He did not look like the same man who had looked at his son's picture with a smile at the beginning of the battle. Tonks' hair was still pink, she looked much better than Remus, but her whole chest was still covered in blood, and her right arm hung as if it were broken.

Sirius and Kingsley looked at each other, not knowing what to do next. "I'm going to call for help, we need more people to move them," Kingsley said before he ran back into the castle.

Sirius answered nothing, gently grabbed Tonks 'hanging hand and placed his other hand on Remus' shoulder. Closing his eyes, he prayed that they would be alive, and with that thought, tears began to escape his eyes.


The great hall had become a gathering point. And when Sirius, along with Kingsley and Arthur, transported the bodies of two injured members of the Order into it, Sirius took a moment to look around. There were corpses and people injured everywhere. Sirius' attention was most drawn to the number of Weasleys, all gathered around Fred. The young man was lying on a stretcher, his eyes closed with pain, and it was clear that he was in severe pain. Arthur walked over Sirius, and he said gently, "There was an explosion and he hit his head. He can't move anymore."

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