One step forward, two steps back

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The next couple of weeks passed calmly, and the whole Tonks cottage fell into a comfortable rhythm. In the morning, Tonks and Remus woke up around nine o'clock, by which time Andromeda had prepared breakfast. Tonks, Remus, Ted, and Andromeda ate, talked and laughed. With each passing day, the communication between Andromeda and Remus became freer and freer, and that made Tonks very happy. At ten o'clock, Ted and Andromeda went to work, and the pregnant metamorphagus and the rather playful werewolf were left in the big house alone. They enjoyed their free morning as much as they could. Sometimes they went to the bath together, sometimes sitting on the couch and reading a book, other times they spent time behind the closed door of the bedroom. But always, at least ten minutes a day, Remus spent time smoothing and examining his wife's growing belly. This bump, which was growing every week, seemed to have enchanted him. If someone had told him two months ago that this little bump could give him so much hope to his heart, he would have considered his mind crazy. He couldn't believe he ever wanted to give it all up and leave his wife and child behind. Tonks tried to hold back her laughter every time when her husband knelt in front of her again, watching her stomach with awe. If in the past Remus had talked secretly with her stomach, now he did it openly and quite often. Sometimes even at dinner or watching TV when Ted and Andromeda were in the same room with them. All three Tonks thought it was very cute. Around noon, Remus prepared lunch for himself and Tonks. They dined, and soon after, Remus had to leave to take up his new job as a Potterwatch reporter. After he left, Tonks usually read a book or visited her old friends. Sometimes she sneaked into Magdalena's bookstore, bought a new book, and talked to her new friend. Remus arrived home at six in the evening, and shortly after, Ted and Andromeda arrived home. They ate dine, watched TV, played board games, and then went back to sleep. With such a calm rhythm, they reached the October spruce. By now, it was almost impossible for Tonks to hide her growing belly, and she had to wear either her father's or Remus' shirts. Because the situation was complicated, no one considered it safe enough to go and buy pregnancy clothes for Tonks and she didn't think it was necessary either, because she was utterly tired of the pain, exhaustion, malaise, and other unpleasant little things that pregnancy brought with it. She already wanted to get this baby out of herself and never get pregnant again.

One morning as Remus stepped into his and Tonks' bedroom after a long and refreshing shower, Tonks stood in front of a mirror. She looked at herself with a very critical and disgusting look. She was wearing a white sweater, one of the few clothes of her own which still fit on her, and because she could not fit a pair of her old jeans, she was forced to wear tracksuits.

,,I've gotten so fat." she muttered sadly, looking over her shoulder at Remus," I've never weighed so much. "

,,You're three months pregnant, Dora. And believe me, this is just the beginning. When Lily was pregnant, in the ninth month she looked like she was carrying a big pumpkin with her. You look very beautiful, love. "

,,Last time I didn't get that fat. I was five months pregnant and it was barely noticeable." suddenly Tonks' face fell, and she suddenly closed her eyes, trying to hold back tears," Do you think our baby girl is all right up there? "

Remus's heart sank. He wasn't expecting such a sudden question, and he had no idea what to answer. He walked over to his wife and hugged her from behind, pulling her hard against himself, "I do believe it, darling. She is there with everyone else we love and who had to leave us."

,,So she's there with everyone else?" Tonks smiled hopefully, and turned his gaze straight to Remus' gray eyes.

Remus tilted his head and kissed a single tear that flowed down her cheek and then replied tenderly, "I think so."

She smiled wider and then hugged Remus hard. Remus kissed her cheeks and the corners of her mouth. His arms were firmly around her, and he wished they could feel their child's movements.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now