Blood on the ground

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When Remus initially thought life with werewolves wasn't the worst, he was now sure he was wrong. With each passing day, life in the pack became darker and more dangerous. Greyback was back in the pack and he was watching everyone very carefully, especially Remus. Last month Greyback brought with him a new kid he had bitten. And today was another full month, and Remus feared Greyback would return with a new victim.

Every day Remus was thinking of his Dora, he repented of his deeds, but he knew that his deeds were right. He hoped that she is okay.

The mood of all members of the pack was very bad today, the full moon always makes werewolves emotional, all day long everyone was shouting, they quarreling and fighting, Remus was one of the few who could control his temper. But he also had slight mood changes, and in those moments he was desperate to hug Dora, as in the old days before the full moon.

,,Sir, is everything okay?" Remus looks behind him and sees three children coming towards him.

,,I'm fine. What about you?"

,,We are fine," Marco said, "We are starting to get used to it."

They sat beside Remus on the lawn. It was the end of the summer, even though the weather was warm, there had a cool breeze. They watched as the sun gradually began to sink.

,,It will start soon, I hope it will be over soon." whisperer Sarah.

,,This new boy whose master last brought to, have crying all day long, he's haven't left the house, Lizzie and Adam have tried to comfort her." said Lyra.

,,Master? Why do you call Greyback a master?" Remus asked, looking at Lyra, who only shrugged in response.

,,He said that as long as we want to live here in the pack, we must respect him, we belong to him, and we must be happy that he allows us to be here. He does it only for our good. He saved us if he hadn't come, that other werewolf would have killed us." Marco replied solemnly.

Remus was shocked, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "What the hell! Is that what he told you?"

,,Yeah...isn't that true?" Sarah asked,, Our parents abandoned us, Greyback was the only one who accepted us after the attack and offered home and protection in his pack."

,,Greyback lied to you. He was the one who bit you! He does this to create a werewolf army for himself. Do not believe any of his words and please never call him your master."

,,Was he really the one who bitten us? But Greyback said..."

,,Believe me, Sarah, it was him. Most of the werewolves in this pack are bitten by him, including me. Greyback is a monster, and you can't be trust him." Remus feels the anger in him grow like the waves grow on the beach...Oh, I need Dora right now...

,,But how can we ever trust anyone, how do we know that you are not lying to us?" asked Marco defensively.

,,Unfortunately, you can't. The ministry has evidence that it was Greyback, but I'm pretty sure the ministry wouldn't tell you anything." Remus said.

,,I trust you, Lupin." Lyra shouted firmly, her dark gray eyes reminding Remus of terribly Sirius.

,,I'm very happy to hear that."

After a few hours the sun had set and the whole pack came together to set itself up for transformation, Remus kept a little away, hid behind a shrub and watched the pack work. He saw a tiny three-year-old boy trembling with fear, two slightly older children trying to calm him, but Sam continued to tremble. The transformation began and soon Remus saw nothing, all his senses were taken over by the wolf ...

In the morning, Remus woke up with severe pain, was lying on the wet grass, was cold, and he felt blood flowing from his body. He stood up and noticed that he was the only one who was awake. He limped toward his hut and changed his clothes. His yesterday's clothes were bloody and very broken, Remus wondered there was anything left, apparently the wolf was calm yesterday. With Greyback's recent ban on magic, Remus couldn't heal his wounds and had to cure himself with dirty bandages and pieces of fabric. There was a loud noise from the outside. Remus rushed out of the house as fast as he could and looked at the other werewolves, most of them awake and bloody. Greyback standing in the middle of them, and his mouth around bloody. Next to Greyback was a bloody male body...Johan Wild.

,,Looks like you're not learning. Listen to all! Wolfsbane is banned in this pack, and anyone who dares to use it will die like this one here! You are wolves, not someone's house dogs, and I demand you to behave like a wolf. I'll follow you all! And do not think that you will not be punished if you do something wrong." Greyback pulled his tongue over his teeth, there was a frightening wolf glow in his eyes, this man was a wolf even in the middle of the day and during any moon cycle.

Remus retreated slightly, someone grabbed him by the hand and he turned frightened ... he looked at Lyra's tears eyes.

,,We need your help, sir." she said.

Remus followed Lyra behind a shrub, and he noticed Marco, Sarah, and two other children kneeling around a little boy, all with tears in their eyes. The little boy was completely covered in blood.

,,Can you help him?" Sarah asked.

,,I'm sorry, but it seems it's too late." Remus replied, kneeling beside the children and carefully touching the little boy's hand, he was cold,, He's dead, the transformation was too much for him, I'm sorry."

Remus did not know if he was at times happy that this child no longer had to suffer or that it was cruel and unfair. Probably both. It was cruel, but at the same time, this child does not have to suffer.

Suddenly, a low voice came from behind them, "Weak!"

Remus looked behind him and saw Greyback standing there, anger and disgust filled Remus.

,,Weak?" Lyra asked.

,,Weak...Death is part of a pack's life, get used to it better. The weak are dying, and now it seems to me that you all maybe next. The weak wolf has no place in this pack. Bury that thing down, Lupin. And the rest of you stop crying, it's disgusting."

After that day everything changed in the pack. Greyback was there almost all the time, people went astray and fear dominated the whole forest. If at first it seemed calm in life, it was now a nightmare.

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