Mission wolf trap

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The morning sun was shining through the window in the room, Remus slowly opened his eyes. At first, he was a little confused, he was in a strange bedroom with dark blue and gray striped walls. But when he noticed one of pink-haired heads resting against his chest, everything was once again clear and his head full of last night's beautiful memories. He wrapped his arms around naked Tonks, she was still sleeping. He put a light kiss on Tonks' hair, she smelled so good and her hair was so soft. Remus couldn't figure out what he have done to deserve her. What he has done to earn that happiness by waking up so that Dora sleeps in his hand? His Dora. His wonderful Dora.

Tonks began to move quietly at Remus's chest, Remus stroking her short pink hair, she slowly opened her eyes.

,,Good morning, beauty." whispered Remus.

,,Good morning, sweetheart." she leaned toward Remus and kissed him slightly on the lips:"How you slept, honey."

,,I haven't slept so well in a long time, my love."

And again Tonks kissed him on the lips, Remus pulled her inductively closer.

,,I love you so much!" she said.

,, And I adora you." big smile on his face.

,,What?" Tonks frowned questionably.

,,That means I love you, my dear. You're downright Nymphadorable when you're confused, Sweety."

,,Do you really have to tempt me?" asked Tonks in a sweet voice.

,,Of course, Dora."

They renewed their kiss again, but slowly and gently this time. Tonks's stomach rattled, Remus pushed her face away slightly and whispered in her ear:,,Should we go and eat breakfast."

,,I don't have anything to eat here, but we can go out to eat, there's a miraculous good Muggle cafe nearby."

,,It sounds very good. Come on, get yourself up." Remus tried to get up, but Tonks pushed him back to bed.

,,Some more time, please. It's so comfortable and warm here, and you're a great pillow."

,,But, sweetheart, it's nine o'clock, and besides, we should go back to headquarters soon. Molly and Sirius are probably worried."

,,You can't convince me." she pressed her head comfortably against Remus's chest.

,,Doesn't Molly's lunch, the evening in front of the warm fireplace at the headquarters on the couch with me and a good book, does not change your mind?"

,,You're evil, you know that?"

Two hours later at headquarters

They reached the headquarters. Tonks wore a bag of clothes she had packed from her apartment and Remus had a small bag with muffins for Sirius. They went into the living room, there were a lot of people. Sirius was playing chess with Harry, Hermione and Ginny were sitting on the couch, they were both reading books, Ron was repairing and polishing his old chocolate frog cards, Molly was wiping dust from the tables and cabinets, Kingsley, Mad-Eye and Arthur were sitting by the fireplace and they talked to each other.

,,Hi everybody." said Tonks.

Immediately, Sirius jumped up from his seat and rushing towards them:,,Where the hell were you two, I was so worried. Fuck you can't get lost like this."

,,And why the fucking hell you have to be so protective?" Tonks shouted.

,,Sirius, Tonks, language!" Molly screamed in annoyance.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now