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The day after the Order meeting increased activity in house number 12 Grimmauld place. Six Weasleys, one girl with tangled brown curls and Auror in pink-hair moved in at once. Tonks found herself in a room opposite Sirius and next to Lupine. The three were on the third floor, and there was Sirius' mother's room, where the Hippogriff lived. Weasley's rooms were on the second floor.

The breakfast table was crowded. Tonks quickly made friends with the youngest Weasley, and with Hermione. She twisted her face into different animals, and she was very fond of teenage girls. As Auror looked around the table for a while, she also noticed that Remus was watching her and his lips had a gentle and sincere smile. Tonks felt his cheeks flush immediately. She looked back at Hermione and Ginny, and turned her nose into a duckling for them.

After breakfast was over, Molly announced that now was the time to start cleaning up this old mansion. Molly and Ginny started from the kitchen. Fred and George in the living room, Hermione and Ron in the hallway, Sirius in the bathroom, and Tonks and Remus in the library.

The library was under a thick layer of dust, and several books had large spider webs. Tonks started by sweeping the dust, Remus checked all the drawers and dark places to check that there are no living creatures.

,,This place is scary." said Tonks and sighed loudly.

,,No one has lived in this house for years. Sirius' father died twelve years ago, his mother ten, Regulus has not been here for years." Remus answered and put another dead mouse in the trash.

,,I remember Regulus. We didn't get along as well as I and Sirius, but he was nice. It was a big shock to me and my mother when he became a Death Eater. Of course, this cannot be compared that Sirius had going to Azkaban. At that moment, I and my mother lost all faith that there could be other people in our family who could not be a... monster."

,,But Sirius is innocent. Does your mother know that?"

,,No. I can't tell her about the Order, she doesn't even know I'm in the Order. Dad doesn't know either. I haven't seen them in over a month."

,,You should interact with them more, we are at war, soon you may not have the opportunity." he guides his wand between two bookshelves,, Lumos!"

,,You scare me with your talk, Remus!" Tonks finished sweeping one closet and turned to Remus.

,,Oh, sorry, Nymphadora, I'm just talking about my own experience." Remus also turns his gaze and looks directly into her dark brown eyes,, I... just give you some advice."

,,You've lost your parents?" she asked almost inaudibly.

,,They were killed when I was 17."

,,I'm so sorry!" tears appeared in her brown eyes.

,,It's nothing, it was so long ago and...Dora? Please ... please don't cry." but it was too late, all Tonks's face was full of transparent tears,, Nymphadora?" Remus took several steps toward her and put his arms around her, pulling Tonks slightly against his chest,, It's alright, Dora, you don't need to cry."

,,I'm so sorry!" she whispered through tears.

,,You do not have to apologize!" 

They stood for a few minutes, holding each other, Tonks' head resting against Remus's chest, which his heart beat against. Soon Tonks's eyes stopped producing new tears. With great disappointment, Remus slowly pulled away from her.

,,Hmmm...thank you!" said Tonks with a slight tremor in her voice.

,,It's my pleasure!"

They both headed back to clean up, neither of them saying a word anymore. After half an hour Sirius's voice was heard:,, Hei, Molly invites everyone to a break. By the way, this is a must!"

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