How to find the right one?

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Sirius opened the door to Tonks and Remus' bedroom, both of whom were still asleep, even though it was already noon. Remus's hand was around Tonks, and they looked like two very sleepy and comfortable spoons. Sirius took a moment and jumped on their bed, making them both scream and jump.

,,Sirius, what the hell are you doing?" Remus asked angrily.

,,I should ask what the hell are you guys doing? Molly, Andy, and Ginny are waiting in the living room, Tonks had promised to go with them to choose a dress, but she's sleeping here now."

,,Oh, did I really slept in? Son of a bitch..." Tonks started to climb out of bed, but stopped halfway, she looked at Sirius and said, "Maybe you would leave the room first."

,,Don't worry, I'll do it. "Sirius replied and headed out of the room, he shouted before stepping out the door," By the way, Moony, you have to get your ass out of bed, too. We going to buy you a suit today. "and then he stepped out the door and closed it.

Remus sighed, "Our wedding though, but it seems we have no decision right about it, or what, darling?"

,,It seems so. I wouldn't be surprised if my mother forced me to buy the most old-fashioned, and no sexy dress. Probably something my grandmother would wear." Tonks reluctantly got out of bed and began to pick up her clothes," I hope there's some pink or maybe some nice black dress."

,,I think you could also get married in your blue pajamas, you're so cute and irresistible in that."

,,Well, in that case, you have to get married naked, and I doubt you're very much in agreement." Tonks replied with a cunning smile.

They both dressed and then went into the living room. And as Sirius had said, three women were sitting on the couch.

,,Morning, darlings." Molly said.

,,Hi everyone, "Tonks said with a gaping," Can I have a coffee before we go? "

,,Of course, Nymphadora dear, we still have some time, Madam Melody dress shop will not open before 11 o'clock," replied Andromeda.

,,You sit down, Dora, I'll make you coffee. Does anyone want anything? Coffee? Tea?" Remus asked.

,,Sirius is already making tea. "

,,Okay then." Remus went to the kitchen, leaving four women in the living room.

,,You look so tired, honey, are you all right? "Molly asked anxiously, looking at Tonks.

Tonks sat in the armchair and replied, "I'm fine. I just got home from the ministry at three o'clock last night. We're in complete madness there at the moment."

,,Arthur told me that there are difficult times in the ministry at the moment. Hopefully these things won't become dangerous there. "

,,I doubt it, Molly. Scrimgeour has issued very suspicious orders, he wants the Aurors to make a list of Muggle-born people, and he wants us to monitor the movements of some of them. "

,,Why?" Andromeda asked.

,,He said we would do it to protect them, but I don't believe it. Voldemort has certainly recruited him."

,,Hei, maybe we could talk about something other than war and politics. Tonks is getting married on Friday, we could think a little more positively at the moment, "Ginny intervened.

,,You're right, Gin. My wedding is coming, there is no point in ruining your mood with some bullshit." Tonks smiled, "I also have to order flowers today, I was thinking of ordering white roses from a Muggle company and then turn them in pink. They would fit perfectly with this white chapel. Remus' uncle said to us we can decorate however we want, so I was also thinking of changing the color of the carpet that is there, it could be moon gray. Light pink and moon gray go well together."

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