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Tonks slept restlessly on the couch all night. Molly repaired all the wounds and bruises and then tried to put Tonks upstairs to sleep, but Auror refused. She wanted to stay in the living room because she could hear voices from the basement and make sure Remus was still alive. Molly brought her clean clothes and she put them on. She brought the medicine aid kit to the couch and was ready to treat Remus in the morning. The only relief for Tonks was that Sirius had spent the full moon with him. She was sure Sirius wouldn't let him die. With that thought, Tonks gave herself a little sleep time what she needed terribly.

She woke up in the morning after hearing someone's steps and a conversation coming up from the basement stairs.

,,Hold on, Moony, everything will be fine soon."said Sirius.

The door opened, and Sirius stepped into the room, supporting Remus. He was weak and wounded.

,,Remus." Tonks sighed happily, running to Remus and Sirius, to help her cousin get Remus on the couch.

Remus seemed to be unconscious or very tired. Sirius helped Remus lie down. Tonks quickly grabbed the wound-healing ointment and gently rubbed it to Remus's half-naked body.

Sirius tried to hide his tiredness from the Tonks, but Auror's sharp glance noticed it.

,, Go to bed, Sirius. I can handle it."

,,Are you sure, Tonks. I can help you."

,,I'll do it, cousin. I'm Auror, I know how to heal. I won't let him die, Sirius." she said.

Sirius nodded, yawned once, then headed out of the room. Tonks sighed. She healed Remus' wounds as much as she could. But because they were cursed wounds, she couldn't completely heal them, she was able to stop the bleeding but not close the wound. They must be worn. In a slow-motion, she placed her wand in Remus's forehead and muttered a spell that brought him back to consciousness. Remus opened his tired eyes.

,,Morning, Honey." she whispered.

,,Dora?" Remus seemed confused, it took him a few moments to realize that Tonks was really in front of him and that he was looking straight into her dark brown eyes.

,,How you feel?"

But Remus didn't answer, he tried to get up from the couch, and if his movements hadn't been so clumsy, Tonks would have thought he was trying to escape. Tonks sat to couch edge and placed her hand on Remus's shoulder and slowly pulled him back so that his head rested on Tonks's lap.

,,Don't try to escape, Remus, I haven't finished healing you."

,,Dora...pleace..." Remus answered tiredly, trying to get up again, but she held him firmly.

"Remus, I just want to help you. You're injured. Please let me help you. You were hurt because of me."

,,It's not your fault, Dora." his eyes was still closed.

,,Yes it was. Greyback wouldn't have attacked you if I wouldn't be there."

,,I would have been injured anyway, Dora. Some wounds more, who cares."

,,I care, Remus, I really do. I love you. and I don't want you to be hurt." Tonks replied unhappily.

,,Don't say that." Remus finally opened his eyes and looked directly into Tonks' dark brown eyes.

Tonks, confused for a moment, looked into Remus's gray eyes and saw in them deep pain and self-pity, "Don't say what?"

Remus sighed, an unfortunate luster appeared in his eyes, and he stood up, Tonks not stopping him this time. Remus leaned tiredly against the sofa and looked away from Tonks towards the old clock, "Don't say you love me." he whispered.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now