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Tonks was walking along the streets of Hogsmeade, and it was frigidly cold outside. Carefully she walked forward. It was almost midnight, the streets were completely empty. Suddenly she heard noise, startled and pulled out her wand, moving slowly backwards, she tried to find the source of the noise. Moving towards, her leg were stuck behind something, and Tonks fell on the stone path with a loud bang.


,,You're as graceful as a depressed elephant, Nymphadora." Mad-Eye Moody stepped out from a corner,, What's the name I called you in your first year of Auror training?"

,,Hey, you pink punk girl!" The memories gaved Tonks a gentle smile,, What did I burning down on my second day of training?"

,,My robe!" Moody said a little annoyed, he stepped towards Tonks and helped her stand up, "Have you noticed anything suspicious."

,,No. Apart from one cat, I haven't seen anyone."

,,Maybe this cat was Animagus!"

,,It ate the old fish found in the trash."

,,Your own cousin eats food that has fallen on the floor."

,,Fair." she said.

Tonks and Moody patrolled together. They made several circles upon the village without seeing any soul. Another cold blow struck the Tonks, she put her hands in her Auror robe pocket.

,,Why is it so cold here? It's August, not December." she asked.

,,Apparently Dementors are nearby. So be careful, Nymphadora."

,,Don't call me Nymphadora!"

,,Do not whine. There are worse names than that, girl." Moody answered sharply.

Tonks sighed. She pulled her robe as close to her body as possible, trying to keep her warm. The full moon in the sky shone as the only light.

,,Don't worry, he's fine." Moody shouted remotely as if he had read Tonks' thoughts.

,,I know, but I miss him. And I'm afraid, what if he doesn't come back alive from there."

,,He comes, he loves you too much to leave you."

,,What do you know about that, Mad-Eye!"

,,I've also been young, Dora."

,,Don't call me like that!"

Moody muttered in response, but Tonks couldn't hear it. She was just too worried to concentrate, and her whole body was shaking in the cold. At this point, she wanted to be in front of the warm fireplace with Remus and hot chocolate. Tears appeared in her eyes, even though she tried to shut them down with all her quantity from the force, a few drops could escape her eyes. Moody spotted a young woman struggling with tears, stepped towards her and put his arm around her shoulder.

,,How do you feel? And don't even try to lie to me, girl. I see you're not okay."

,,You're right, May-Eye, I'm not fine. But I will try. Life must go on. I know there is nothing I can do other than wait and expect him to come back." Tonks replied unhappily.

,,You know, you're the strongest girl I've ever met, never lose your strength and optimism. It makes you invincible, it makes you a fighter who never gives up. Not even if your opponent is an idiot werewolf who desperately wants to protect you."

,,Fortunately, surrender is not my topic. Thank you, Mad-Eye."

,,Always, girl. But now go and patrol those streets over there, I'm going to control those other streets." Moody suddenly stepped away and headed for the small side street.

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