Last mistake

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Tonks walked aimlessly along the empty corridors of Hogwarts Castle. Tears welled up in her eyes, like a waterfall. She had never cried as much as she had in this year, and she was tired of it, she was tired of crying. She wanted to forget everything, get away from the pain, but it didn't happen. The pain was getting worse every day. She lost so much. Melina, Hope and now Dumbledore. She was afraid. What happens when Dumbledore is gone? Dumbledore was the only one who could stop this war, and now he was gone.

The pain was insane and she couldn't stop it. It was a cruel and ruthless world. She felt much calmer than before because she could calmly let go of tears and emotions, but now she felt completely different. She had another emotion. It was no longer grief or sorrow. It was a pity ... pity for herself and her life.

She sat wearily on the windowsill and pressed her head gently against the wall. Her vision was blurred due to tears, and her legs were weak because of minor injuries from and battle. And she was tired. Really tired. She sighed wearily and closed her eyes. She heard steps approaching her at a calm pace. She opened one eye, and vaguely saw a long man with a scarred face, walking towards her.

,,Dora?" she heard Remus whisper.

Tonks jumped up from the windowsill as if it had burned and scorched her. She looked at Remus with an angry and awkward look.

"What do you want?" she asked in a harsh and questioning voice.

"Are you all right?" Remus asked.

"I'm fine. Would you be so kind now and answer my question? What do you want?"

,,Dora...I want to talk to you."

,,We've talked enough, Remus. I've heard your talk enough. And I understand, I understand you don't want me anymore. I get it. Remus, just..." she took a deep breath, new tears gathered in her eyes, "just tell me you're happy. Tell me you don't love me anymore, and you said it all before just so as not to hurt me. tell me you don't want me again, and I'll let you go. I'll never bother you again, if you want, you'll never have to see me again."


,,NO! JUST SAY IT!" Tonks shouted, a whole lot of anger had accumulated in her, and bitterness against herself, she held back tears, but still a few drops could escape her sight.

Remus felt as if a knife had hit him right in his heart. He couldn't stop himself. He stepped over to Tonks and wrapped both his arms tightly around her and pulled her against his chest. Tonks wept against his chest and wrapped her arms around his masculine but narrow body. 

It was a comfort she had longed for and Remus had coved for. Remus wrapped his arms as tightly around her as he could, without hurting the angel.

,,Dora," he sighed against Tonks' mouse-brown hair," I'm not perfect, I don't deserve you."

,,But you do! And you are only one who can ever make me a happy." she replied with a muffled whisper, her face pressed hard against Remus' shirt.

,,I have no money, I can't support you in any way."

,,I have money, so much, we can live like a king and queen, unit we are the same old as Nicolas Flamel."

,,But I'm old, too old for you."

,,Well, you've forgotten all the nights when we were just two of us, you're not old, Remus."

,,But, I'm a monster."

For a few seconds Tonks said nothing, she looked up deeply into Remus 'eyes, and raised one hand to his cheek, and stroked his cheek gently with her thumb until ... she raised her hand and slapped firmly against Remus' face so that his cheek remained red mark. Remus grazed, and instinctively jumped a little away from Tonks and put his hand against his sore cheek.

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