Reasons why we live

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Between the curtains, the bright summer sun shone directly into the eyes of a certain and exhausted wizard. Remus sighed asleep. He opened his eyes, and immediately felt a great desire to smile. Dora slept, head to Remus' chest, her lime green hair scattered everywhere, her mouth slightly open, and she was still wearing dirty and torn clothes from the battle. She looked extremely beautiful, cute, and ridiculous at the same time. And only the very tired Nymphadora Tonks knew this art.

Remus wrapped his arms around the woman lying on his chest and kissed her green hair.

Can there be a better way to wake up in the morning?


Yes, can...

,,Morning, my dear." Remus replied in amusement as Tonks tried to hide her face from the sun," How did you sleep?"

,,It's too early to wake up! Remus, extinguish that fucking sun, please!"

,,Language, Dora! "Remus laughed.

"English!" replied Tonks, her face wrapped in a blanket.

Remus sighed with laughter, and shook his head playfully. He grabbed the end of the blanket and lifted it a few inches high, his gaze meeting a grumbling woman whose hair was now the yellow of the sun.

He smiled at her and said, "Unfortunately, I'm not good enough to wipe out the sun. Looks like you have nothing left to do than wake-up, my dear."

,,But I do not want to. It is so warm and pleasant under the blanket. And you're the most comfortable pillow I've ever met. "

"How many pillows have you ever met?"

,,Is that a trick question, Wolfy?"

,,You know, forget it, you don't have to answer it. I don't want to know."

,,Oh, is Wolfy jealous?" Auror asked, giggling.

,,No, you said I was the best. So I have no reason to be jealous, do I?"


Tonks turned her hair into a long pink puffy, pulled them like a curtain in front of her eyes, and placed her head back on Remus' chest.

,,Do you have to go to work today?" he asked, stroking her back at the same time.

,,Do you want to get rid of me already? You know, if you want to walk around the apartment in underwear, you don't have to wait for me to leave. And I don't have to go to work today."

Remus raised an eyebrow, "I'm don't do things like that!"

,,Yes, you do!" Tonks giggled.

,,When did I do that?"

,,Well, in front of me, you've done it at least three times, probably more. Usually when I got home from work and you hadn't bothered to wear clothes all day."

,,Nah, I don't remember that kind of thing." Remus had a funny look.

,,Liar! "

,,Are you accusing me of lying, Dora?" he asked playfully, while rubbing Tonks' neck with his fingers.

,,Yeah, you are fucking big liar."

,,And you have a very dirty mouth, Miss Tonks."

,,Well, then you have to wash it, Professor." she laughed.

,,Oh, I'll definitely do it! "

,,Show me!"

"I will." Remus's fingers moved around Tonks' neck, and he suddenly pulled her into a radiant kiss.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now