Sinful Evening

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Warning! This time it may be a little dirtier than usual. Although I don't usually hold back very much in terms of vocabulary either. But still. It's a bachelor party hosted by Sirius, it can't be very lenient.


The week passed quickly. They spent a long time each day preparing for the wedding, and Tonks had to spend a lot of time at work, and they both had a lot of missions. The work of the Order had not become easier, the Death Eaters took advantage of the opportunity that the Order had been weakened because of grief, and the new leaders had not yet understood exactly what to do. They're had little free time, Tonks and Remus always enjoyed it to the fullest. They sat on the code couch in the evenings and dreamed of a future if they could be alone without being disturbed by Death Eaters or Sirius with his flea trouble. And without realizing it, their last day had arrived as an engaged.

,,So, Moony, as I just understood Nym's story, she's going to Molly's tonight, "Sirius began the conversation at the breakfast table.

,,You got it right, cousin. Mom and Molly are very superstitious, they said that the bride and groom must not see each other the night before the wedding, and so I spend a night in Burrow tonight. In addition, Ginny, Fleur and Hermione have organize a little party for me, "said Tonks.

,,Hmm, so you're having a girls' night? It's good that I've come up with something for Moony. We will have a little bachelor party, mate. " he smiled at Remus.

,,No, Sirius, no...I don't like things like this!" Remus replied quickly.

Sirius folded his arms across his chest, "Come on, Moony, it's going to be cool. You remember the party we did for James, I knew you enjoyed it."

,,I don't think enjoyment is the right word for me who was sitting in the corner with a rat, and we waited for you and James to stop dancing on the table."

,,Nah, you enjoyed this party, don't lie. And by the way, you have no right to argue with me. In fact I, Arthur, Kingsley and Bill have already arranged everything. The guys will be here by four o'clock, by then your fiancé is already with Molly, and you'll be at my and the boys' disposal."

,,Dora, say something, tell him you won't allow it. Please! "Remus asked, looking at Tonks with begging eyes

Tonks swallowed her food, and smiled slyly, "On the contrary, darling, I think you deserve a good party. But everything must be within the limits of fun and sin, Sirius!" she pointed a finger harshly at Sirius before turning back to Remus, "No matter what Sirius invents, I trust you, Remus."

,,You see, Moony, your fiancé is on my side." Sirius grinned.

,,I am becoming more and more convinced every day that there is a big conspiracy against me in this apartment. "Remus sighed before drinking his glass of juice empty with one sip.

After breakfast, Tonks and Remus sat on the couch, Sirius Junior lied on top of them, purring like a broken motorboat. Remus felt nervous, he had been in anxiety all week, but now it was much worse. The wedding will be already tomorrow, and Remus was afraid that something could go wrong, and tonight's party made him tremble with anxiety.

,,Are you nervous?" Tonks asked suddenly.

,,A little," he lied.

,,Liar!" Tonks muttered playfully and began to rub Remus' cheek with her thumb," You're very nervous, I can see it in your eyes. Don't worry, darling, I love you, and I'm not going to leave you alone in front of the altar. "

,,It's a very good consolation, thank you, love." he kissed her cheek.

,,Why are you nervous? Don't you want to get married anymore?"

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