Past Love

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Remus ran out of the hospital, he could have gone back to Burrow, but he didn't want to see anyone. He wanted to be alone. He ignored how Sirius desperately invited him and asked him to come back. Remus just wanted to disappear from this world, he wanted to be able to live in a dream or a fairy tale that would take place under the bubblegum-pink moon. But the reality was that life was not a fairy tale. The pink moon did not exist, as does his and Dora's future.

Remus didn't even notice that he had appeared right in the same forest where the pack's location was. He walked past the forest, he didn't want to go back to the pack soo early. So he just walked in any direction.

He wanted cry, but his head said no. He wanted scream, but his heart said no. He wanted to see her and be with her, but his head said no again. He wanted to leave forever, but his heart said no!

And so the werewolf fought against his inner demon, his biggest demon being his own mind. It was a battle between beliefs and strong love.

,,I need to find out who it is? Someone must have provided Dumbledore with information about our pack." From a distance was an angry voice.

Remus was startled, he realized that not far from him two people were having an angry conversation.

,,But who? You've already killed everyone you've suspected so far. Who else can be?" A panicked female voice asked.

,,I have two choices." The man's voice answered... Remus' blood freezed in his veins ... it was Greyback's voice.


,,Well, one of them is you, my dear Miranda."

,,Me?" her voice was shaking heavily.

,,Yeah, you..."

,,Why should I betray you, Fenrir? You are my master, I would never betray you."

,,Because you're a selfish bitch, you're like a dog who doesn't know how to be faithful to her man. You belong to me, but at the same time you hang out with another man's."

,,Fenrir, hurt me!"

,,I thought you were used to it, my dear."

,,Fenrir...I never have betrayed you, I promise..." she said, Remus heard the fear in her voice, and it was clear she was suffering from pain.

,,Ou, I know that, Miranda. You are scared of me to much for it! don't know how good is see you in pain."

,,Fenrir, peace stop it..."

,,Shh...Don't break the fun, dear..."

Remus didn't know what was going on, he couldn't see anything, but he heard, and it was scary enough. He wanted to help the woman, but knew Greyback would kill him and Miranda for it. Remus disappeared and landed a few miles away from the Weasleys house.

Remus went inside the house, everyone was waiting for him in the kitchen.

,,Finally somebody came. Is Tonks all right?" Molly asked.

,,I honestly don't know. Ted said she was fine, but I couldn't talk to any of the doctors. Sirius probably knows better." Remus replied, his voice still slightly unhappy, and his gaze still in shocked, though much more unhappy than before.

,,Why did you come back so soon? What happened? "Arthur asked anxiously," Was she awake? "

,,No, she was unconscious. I really shouldn't have gone there at all."

,,Why not? "Asked confused Ginny," You care about her. She cares about you. What's wrong with this? Why shouldn't you see her?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Remus, but unfortunately the man himself couldn't answer Ginny's question.

,,Ginny, don't be rude. Remus is already hard at the moment. Rest, Remus dear. I'll call you when dinner is ready." said Molly.

Remus nodded gratefully, and headed upstairs to Charlie's room. He sat on the red bed and sighed deeply.

Why did love hurt so much?

Ginny's previous questions echoed in his ear. Why?

Remus fell tired to the bed, he heard a small noise, and Remus realized that his wand had fallen out of his pocket and landed on the floor. He reluctantly got up from bed again and leaned toward the floor to find his wand. His wand had rolled under his bed, and when he grabbed it, he saw a light pink box, there was engraved name with the beautiful letters "Nymphadora"

Remus pulled the box out and there was a thin layer of dust on it, which he carefully blown away. Remus knelt on the floor and looked at the pink box with a curious look. Should he open it? There might have been something very personal inside. Charles probably wouldn't like it. But at the same time ...there was his Dora's name.

He opened the lid of the box, it was full of old letters and photos. Remus looked the photos, all with Dora on them, and most of them seemed to be secretly taken. There were several pictures of Dora being in the class, and someone had photographed her behind her. Colorful hair shone on every picture, and it was clear that Dora had no idea about the existence of those pictures. Remus wondered how beautiful she was in all those pictures.

He set the pictures aside and looked at the letters in the box, all old. The newest four years old and the oldest almost 10 years old. Remus opened one of the old letters and read it:

Hi Charlie!
How's your summer going? I just met Melina and Holly today. We thought it would be great next week to get Hogsmeade all together. Do you want to join?
See you there or in hell

Remus opened the next letter:

Hi Charlie!
I'll be happy to visit you. I have long wanted to meet your sister whom you talk about so much. Could Melina join us?
See you soon or in hell

And there was lots of letters like these. Tonks had really considered Charlie her best friend for years. But suddenly the content of the letters changed:

Hi Charlie!
I miss you, and I'm bored! Would you like to come to see me? My parents are not home.
See you soon or in hell

Jealousy filled Remus. There were only two such letters, and apparently they were innocent, meaning nothing. But jealousy still filled Remus' mind and heart. Remus remembered how Dora had once told him that her and Charlie's relationship had lasted no more than a few days and never went beyond kisses. And Dora had never really loved Charliet like a lover, more like a brother.

Then there were dozens of letters that no one had ever opened. Remus examined the envelopes and noticed that all these letters had been sent to Dora by Charlie, but she had never opened them.

Carefully Remus opened a letter:

Hi Nymie
I'm really sorry for my behavior and I'm asking for forgiveness. I didn't really mean it. I love you, I didn't want to hurt you. Please forgive me.
In hell

Remus realized that these letters had sended after they broke up, and Dora had been so offended that she had never opened them. These letters were sad, and the whisper of the young man's heartache and love for the pink-haired witch was evident. For his Dora.

All Remus' guts were knotted, he studied all the pictures, and he grew angry with Charlie who had taken those pictures. It was his Dora's past, but knowing it hurts and knowing that another man loves her too was downright disturbing.

Suddenly Remus's heart stopped, holding pictures that ... had been taken recently. These pictures showed Dora with Sirius and Remus himself. These pictures had Dora whom Remus loved.

Did Charlie still love Dora?

It was not possible! And if so, Dora deserves better! Remus thought, but that thought disappeared. No, Dora deserves a young and healthy man of Charlie's kind. But not Charlie!

Remus put everything back in the box and put the box back under the bed. Leaving the past a thing of the past and forgetting the future.

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