A little Lupin

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The interrogations lasted several hours. They were terrible and dangerous. Although Hildson had promised not to raise his hand against the guests, he did not keep his promise. After the interrogation, Sirius had one blue eye and a broken nose, and Tonks blamed herself for that. Remus' interrogation lasted the longest, they didn't trust the werewolf's word. After half an hour of constantly asking the same questions, and receiving the same answers, they gave up and let Remus go. Tonks didn't care what Hildson was going to do to her when it was her turn. She was just happy that Remus was healthy and no one had been killed. Two of her old colleagues came to her and took her to the house with them. Tonks would have liked to shout at them and ask how they could betray those they were hired to protect and do something like that to innocent people, but she thought it was safer to keep quiet. When they reached the house, she was pushed into one of Weasley's kitchen chairs, everyone's wands were aimed at her, and Tonks felt very vulnerable. She wanted to have her wand and Remus next to her. Hildson spoke to her in a low voice, avoiding Tonks' eyes as if she were something very dirty and ugly. He asked her why she was here? What time did she get here? How many guests does she know? Who did she come here with? And where is Harry Potter? Tonks lied about all the questions, only the last one she answered honestly. She didn't know where Harry was, no one knew. And miraculously, Hildson let her go. Tonks was sent out of the house and allowed to go home. The two Aurors followed the next guests, and Tonks ran to Remus, who was now standing alone at Arthur's shed. Tonks tried to hug him, but Remus stopped her, pointing to the Death Eaters and Aurors who was around the Burrow, "Not here, Dora, it's too dangerous. Let's go home."

,,What about the others?" she asked.

,,They will be fine, love." Remus whispered, his eyes moving carefully to make sure they weren't being monitored, "Weasleys have already been interrogated and they're fine. They can't kill anyone, that wouldn't be in line with the purpose of their mission. Sirius and Magdalena are already left, Sirius will be with her for a few days. Let's just go home."

,,Fine, let's go."

Remus took her hand and they left Burrow's territory, disappearing directly into Andromeda and Ted's garden. They were very relieved to survive this terrible situation, and Tonks wanted to sink into the warm bath and take Remus with him.

,,How do you feel? Are you in pain somewhere? How was your interrogation? "Remus attacked her with anxious questions, and Tonks felt her head explode due to their pressure.

She gently took Remus' hand, and intertwined their fingers with each other, "I'm fine, Wolfy, they didn't hurt me anymore. I'm just tired and I'd like to take a very warm bath with you."

,,Everything for my princess." he said lovingly, and they began to walk towards the house when suddenly they noticed that the door of the house was wide open, and curtains were drawn in front of all the windows.

,,Something is wrong, right?" she asked in a serious voice.

,,I think so," he replied.

,,Oh, shit!"

They ran to the house. All the lights were on, the doors were open, and the floor was covered in muddy footprints.

,,Mom! Dad!" Tonks shouted," Mom! Dad! Please ... " her voice quickly faded, and she put her hand on a sore throat, "Mom, Dad, where are you?" she tried again.

,,Ted! Andromeda! "Remus shouted, they entered the living room, but there was no one there.

,,Remus? Dora?" a gentle whisper sounded from the stairs, They ran back to the hall and looked at the stairs where the exhausted Andromeda stood, her clothes wrinkled and her hair tangled.

,,Oh, Mom," Tonks ran to her and hugged her with relief, though Andromeda was in pain when her daughter put her arms around her, she said nothing, and hugged her back, "Where's Dad? Did anything happen?"

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