His name is Ted...Teddy

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Their wonderful Christmas passed quickly. Throughout the evening, Andromeda seemed to focus more on her husband who wasn't there, not that she was being surrounded by her loving daughter and her caring son-in-law. And by the end of the evening, when Ted still hadn't appeared, Andromeda was very disappointed. She was ready to go to her bedroom and lock herself there for the rest of the evening and cry out every drop of water she had in her body, but before she could do that, there was a knock on the window, and they all saw the birds waving their big wings at the window. Remus hurried to the window and opened the way for the bird, who threw a dirty envelope in the middle of the dining table and then flew out the window along the way. Tonks quickly opened the envelope, it was from Ted, "

My dear family,

I miss you terribly. I am very sorry that I was not able to contact you, nor was I able to join you for Christmas.

I sincerely hope you are well. Above all, I wish I could hug you. Damn, I miss you.

Everything is fine with us at the moment. No one has found us yet and we are fine. I can't tell you where I am, but you don't have to worry. I'm fine, I'm here with my old friends and we have enough food, our tent is warm. It's all okay.

I miss you, guys. I want to hug you all. I want to hug Dora's big belly where my beautiful grandchild is growing. I really hope you are okay, honey, and your baby is fine. Are you still well taken care of them, Remus? And, Dromeda dear, I want to hug you and kiss your beautiful lips and...you know ;-)

I hope I will see you all soon. Love you!


The letter brought tears to all their eyes, but it also gave them hope. They knew Ted was alive, and that was good enough for them. They went to sleep peacefully. The days were spent calmly, in smooth and pleasant harmony.

One night Remus surprised Tonks with a warm bath and a relaxing massage, which was exactly what her hashed back had needed. They sat together in the warm bath water, and Remus' tender hands pressed against her tense muscles. Her stomach had grown so large that it looked like a big bulge out of the water. Tonks moaned as Remus' fingers pushed her to the right place, and she felt pain and exhaustion flow out of her body.

,,How are you feeling, Love? " he asked in a soft whisper.

Tonks didn't answer. A soft gasp escaped between her lips and she nodded lightly at her blue-decorated head. Remus knew how to get his wife's full approval, he knew how to make her speechless. When some men Remus had ever known, mostly James, always said that a pregnant woman's emotions are terrible and drive every man crazy. Remus, however, thought that it all depended on dealing with the woman and monitoring her mood. Whenever Tonks was suddenly sad, Remus decided to lie on their couch and read some of their favorite books with her. When she had a sudden surge of joy, he rejoiced with her. When she was bored and felt she hated the house she was supposed to be in, he took Tonks on a romantic walk. When she was angry, for example, because Remus's socks, which by the way were always worn on the chair and for some reason had fallen off the chair and remained floating on the floor, Remus reassured her by kissing her neck and asking if she would like to bake cookies with him. She never said no. If she was horny, he ... well, quoting Ted's letter ;-)

When Tonks felt that all this was too much, and the tension was growing over her head, Remus invited her to take a warm bath with him and massaged her to get out all her tension. Yes, it all was in his control. He had a system for preventing a pregnant woman's rebellious pile of emotions that could suffocate him. And his system was foolproof and flawless. And the results were amazing, to say the least.

,,Dora darling?" he said sweetly.

,,Hmm..." she answered.

,,I love you."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now