Please come back

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Three days had passed since Remus last saw his wife. Three days had passed since Remus had last spoken to anyone. They had been the scariest three days of his life. All this time, he had been walking around and thinking. He hadn't eaten anything, had only slept for a few hours in the ruins of his parents' dilapidated cottage. He had nothing with him but the clothes he was wearing, a wand and half a bar of chocolate. He had no idea what to do or where to go. He walked aimlessly past London, with little hope in his soul that the Death Eaters would find him and kill him. Guilt had shattered his heart, he regretted almost every word he had said to Dora. In just one thing, he was absolutely sure she would be better off without him.

Remus pushed his hand deep into his robe pocket, simply because he could not find a comfortable position for his own hands. His whole body was cramped due to guilt and shame, and nothing seemed comfortable to him.

One moment he got the idea to find Harry and go with him. He could protect him and be useful, and hopefully, he would never meet Dora again. Searching for his thoughts, he could only think of one place Harry and his friends could go after leaving the wedding. Grimmauld place 12, this old and creepy house that was full of many beautiful memories. And in a moment he stood front of it. He entered the front door of the house, hoping to find Harry there, and not some Death Eaters. He heard voices in the kitchen, and his hand automatically moved toward his wand. But then he stumbled, and all the portraits of the hallway, led by Mrs. Black, began to shout, "Mudblood, rubbish will defile my majestic house!"

There were running steps in the kitchen stairs, and Remus saw the wands of the three young people pointing at him, "Don't attack, it's me, Remus!"

,,Oh, thank god, "Hermione sighed with relief.


Three seventeen-year-olds, and tired Remus, sat front of the living room warm fire that Remus had lit. They told what had happened in the meantime and Remus explained to them what had happened after they left the wedding. Their discussion of the current political situation was tough, and Remus talked about absolutely every change the Ministry had made in those few days, and what he knew. All the time he was talking, Remus had an important question in his head that he wanted to ask Harry. He smoothly turned the talk subject to the mission Dumbledore had given to Harry, but the young man didn't want to discuss it with his old professor at all. Finally, Remus said he wanted to join the three on this mission.

,,But what about Tonks? "Hermione asked, she seemed very perplexed.

,,What about her?" Remus replied in an indifferent voice.

,,What does she think about you just leaving like this?"

Remus tried to explain to them that it was all right with Tonks, that she was protected, and safely hidden. But they didn't seem to believe him very much. And when Hermione asked her last question, suffering burst inside Remus. He said everything was fine, but a little later he added in an unpleasant voice, "Tonks will have a baby." It was the first time he calmly admitted it to himself.

There were happy glances on Hermione, Ron, and Harry's faces, they congratulated him, but Remus couldn't rejoice in their words. He forced a grimace-like smile on his face and then said, "So ... will you accept my offer, will three become four?"

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry, it seemed that none of them understood why Remus wanted to run away from his family so much. And the next events progressed so fast, and they ended painfully for both Remus and Harry's spine.

--- could he say that?

Remus walked down Grimmauld Street without looking at where he was going. He was so angry, blood boiled in his veins, and he wished he could beat something.

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