Can you see the light?

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Tonks sat in Grimmauld's place in the dark bedroom in front of a mirror, her gaze was depressed because of women who looked her in the mirror. She had red-swollen eyes, extremely exhausted from crying, her mouse-brown hair falling on her shoulders like dirty laundry mop, her face was pale, and she was skinny...very very skinny.

,,No wonder he doesn't want you, you look like a starving mummy." replied the woman in the mirror.

,,Shut up! "Tonks screamed at the mirror, got up from chair and walked to her bed, and fell on it.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

Tonks sighed and said, "If you're Sirius, go away and fuck yourself. If you're Molly then I'm sorry for my vocabulary, and please leave too. If you're Remus, who you probably aren't, then jump in the well. And if you're someone else, then go away!"

,,Nym, I heard you screaming, are you alright?" Sirius's voice came out the door.

,,I'm fine, you just have very arrogant mirrors in this house."

,,Nym, can I come in?" Sirius asked.

,,Sirius, I said go and fuck yourself, not come in!"

,,I'll definitely do it later, but for now, I want to talk to my favorite cousin."

,,In that case, you're in the wrong house. My mother doesn't live here! "Tonks replied coldly.

,,Nym, please stop this childish behavior and... "

,,You sound like Remus. Did he send you here? If so, you could tell him to jump into the well."

Tonks turned side, so her back was to the door and stuffed one of her pillows on her head. She was not in the mood to talk to anyone. She sat in her room for several days, went to work in the meantime, and then ran back to her room so she didn't have to see Remus because it reminded her how much her broken heart was hurting. 

Without Tonks noticing, Sirius entered the room and sat on his cousin's bed.

,,Nym, he's back, that's what you wanted."

,,No, that was not what I wanted. I wanted him back with me. He may be back from the wolves, but he's not with me." 

Sirius sighed, placed his hand on the young woman's shoulder and patted it, "Now I understand why I'm single. Too much drama."

,,Sirius, you are fucking drama queen by yourself!"

,,I know! There is no woman in this world who can handle me."suddenly a dreamy smile appeared on Sirius's face," You know, Nym, I had a very strange sleep tonight. The war was over, you and Remus were married, and you had a child. And ... I was engaged and ... she was pregnant with a baby girl. And that dream seemed so real. Everyone was happy, there was peace in the world. No more Voldemort. Everything was amazing."

,,Yes, until you woke up and realized that this is just one stupid dream that will never come true."

Suddenly, Tonks jumped up from the bed and stepped quickly to the closet, pulling out her black leather jacket. She walked towards the door, but Sirius stopped her, grabbing her by the hand.

"Where are you going, Nym?"

"I need fresh air, I go to the walk."

,, Nice. I'll take you for a walk," Sirius answered with a sly smile.

"I can walk myself, I'm not a dog that has to be on a leash."

"Of course you're not a dog, it's me. But I think I know one place that can lift your mood. "

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now