Ronald Hildson

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Tonks sat in her Auror office early Monday morning, head against her pile of paperwork lying on the desk.

She had lived five days in 12 Grimmauld place. She hadn't slept properly for several nights, every night she sat down with Sirius and Remus in the living room and listened to their school time stories.

Tonks had just completed one of her very boring paperwork about stolen broom. Did she really become Auror just to investigate stolen brooms? No, she wanted to catch dark witches and wizards. She wanted to fight, but she was not allowed to do it. She is the youngest Auror in the entire ministry and also the only woman to become an Auror in the last five years. There are only three Auror women in the department, and all of them have a job doing paperwork and giving men coffee (Tonks doesn't do it because she's too clumsy)

She lifted her tired head from the paperwork and threw it to the other corner of the desk. Tonks pulled a new folder in front of her saying "Lost Witch Aria Witschen". That was her last week case. She found Aria in a Muggle pub that was open all the time. Aria had been there for three days, and she didn't want to leave after Tonks showed up.

Metamorphmagus sighed deeply. Why does she have to have such frustratingly boring cases?

Shortly before lunch, someone knocked on the door of Tonks's office. Before Tonks came to answer the knocker, stepped in a tall man with blond hair, narrow face and shiny eyes. Tonks closed her eyes for a moment and sighed in frustration.

,,What do you want, Hildson? Don't you see i am busy?" Tonks chuckled, her hair turning blue to dark red.

,,Why are you so angry all the time, Nymph-adora?" he asked.

,,Don't call me like that. And in response to your question, I just don't like people interfering with me at work."

,,You know, you would look pretty if you didn't play stupid with your hair all the time."

,,Thanks, i will take note!" Tonks said sarcastically,, Was that all you wanted to say? If it was, then go away. You're interfering me."

,,I just..." Hildson took several steps closer to Tonks's desk,,...wanted to ask you, would you come out with me?"

,,Are you kidding me?" her hair turned white from shock,, Thank you very much but my answer is no."

,,Why? Don't you like me?" man frowns in disbelief,, Do you know that I always get whatever I want?"

,,Well, this time you can't! Could you go now? Mad-Eye should come at any time and I think he could hurt you properly if he saw you in my office."

,,So you like mens like that?"

,,Sure ,as long as it keeps you out of my office." Tonks turned her gaze back to her paperwork, ignoring that Hildson was still there.

,,One day you will change your mind about me, darling!" Hildson said angrily, stepping out the door. Tonks didn't bother to answer him anymore, she was just glad she'd got rid of him by today.

In the evening

Tonks returned to headquarters until six in the evening. She was very tired and hungry, and because of Hildson's stirring, she forgot to go to lunch and had not eaten all day. She went straight to the kitchen, finding Molly there, luckily for Tonks, she was bustling behind the stove.

,,Ooh, Tonks dear, dinner is ready soon, you can already sit down. Remus and Sirius should come right away, they went to get some potatoes from the basement."

Tonks sat tired on her usual seat and leaned her head against the table.

,,Are you all right, dear?" Molly asked with great concern.

,,Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired. My job is so pointless and boring, and there's a nasty co-worker who doesn't leave me alone."

,,Hmm..." Molly thinked for a moment,, if you have problems at work you should suddenly talk to Moody. "

,,No, I can't, everyone already thinks I'm a Moody's pet or something like that. In fact, my only problems are being a woman and being the youngest. They don't trust me on missions because I'm such a ridiculous Auror, I'm so inept!"

,,Tonks, you're not inept, and you're certainly not ridiculous! And what thing is about it that you are a woman? The ministry is just very prejudiced, don't let it bother you, honey!"

,,Hmm, they think Remus is a monster." Tonks muttered so quietly that she could barely hear it, but Molly still heard it, and a wide smile appeared on her face. Tonks herself didn't know why she said it, but after that, she felt really stupid.

,,Don't worry, Tonks, this is ... "

The kitchen door opened, and Remus and Sirius stepped in, and there was a large dusty bag of potatoes between them, and the clothes of both men were lightly earthy.

,,Hi, Tonks!" Remus cried, looking straight into her eyes.

,,Wotcher, Remus, wotcher Sirius!"

,,Ou, hello Nym!" Sirius looked at her, his smile disappearing as he saw Tonks's tired and worried face,, Are you okay, you look sick?!?"

,,I'm fine, honestly, I'm just tired."

,,She have a little trouble at work." Molly answered. Tonks gavez her a quick angry look, then turned back to look at the table.

,,What trouble?" asked Remus.

,,Nothing. Just my work is so pointless and boring. And there's a co-worker who won't leave me alone."

,,What a coworker? He or She?" Sirius's eyes blinked, and his voice becomez extremely defensive.

,,He, his name is Ronald Hildson and he's a fucking jerk. I think he's obsessed with getting a couple of me and him. He's been bothering me almost every day for the last month."

,,You can tell him that you have a very jealous cousin who is also a serial killer!"

There is a small smile on Tonks's mouth:,, Thank you, Sirius. I think I was giving him the impression today that I have a theme with Moody. I hope he doesn't spread this rumor, Mad-Eye would kill me."

Sirius and Remus both smirked. Thinking of Tonks and Mad-Eye together was, of course, disgusting, but seeing Moody's face would surely be worth millions.

In a few minutes, Molly had finished dinner and invited Arthur and the kids to the kitchen. The dinner was peaceful. Fred and George, who had accidentally heard about the Tonks problem about a coworker (Yeah, hundred accidentally), offered her many of the sweets they had invented, which could turn this man for example into green. Tonks promised to trade with them later, when Molly was not around.

Later that evening, Tonks sat on the living room couch watching the fire in the fireplace. She heard the door open and someone's steps came toward her. But she was too tired to see who it was. When an unknown person sat next to her, Tonks realized at once with who she was dealing with, she recognized the smell of the sweet chocolate. Remus.

,,Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

,,Yeah, I'm sure. The twins sold me a nice amount of gear. I think I can get rid of him!" Tonks sighed heavily, her tired eyes began to close slowly.

,,I hope so." whispered Remus before Tonks's head fell against his shoulder and Auror had fallen asleep.

When Tonks woke up in the middle of the night, she was in her own bed, nicely wrapped in a blanket. She closed her eyes again and fell asleep with a gentle smile.

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