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Time passed quickly. Summer, which had become autumn, finally became winter. And that's how Tonks's fifth month of pregnancy arrived. Her stomach had grown so large that she could no longer wear any of her own shirts. She was in constant back pain and the appetites that made Remus nauseous. The relationship between her and Remus was the best it had ever been. Tonks' ever-growing belly seemed to create a magical bond between them that pulled them together more than ever. Remus took care and helped his wife as much as he could. They spent each of their free moments hugging each other and discussing their future and their child. Everything was fine. Even though Ted was gone and everyone's lives were still in the dark fog, the two love birds would not let themself be disturbed by anything. But their carefree world was not protected from stormy clouds. There were two things they could not ignore. The full moon and that their child still hasn't moved. Molly and Andromeda said that the baby would start moving in the fifth month, and Tonks should immediately feel the baby's movements, but for some reason, it didn't happen.

Tonks felt the panic grow in her. She was afraid there was something wrong with the child. With each passing day, the feeling that she might lose this child increased, and the thought broke her heart. She loved this child so much that she could not lose him. Remus tried to calm her down. But he, too, could not help but think that what if something was very wrong. The thought came to his mind that what if this child is not ordinary, what if this baby is a werewolf? That thought scared him, and it hurt him. But he tried not to think about it and not to show Tonks that he was worried.

Christmas was approaching. Tonks and Andromeda had decorated the whole house and covered the yard with bright lights. But before they could enjoy the holidays, they had to overcome another difficulty. Full moon. 

,,Remus," Tonks walked over to her husband who was hanging lights on the door.

,,Yes, honey?" Remus asked, trying to keep his voice. The full moon always sharpened his mind and revolted his emotions. He tried to control himself and not shout at his wife without she had done anything.

,,Would you like to go for a walk? I'm bored and I thought it would be nice. "

Remus thought for a second and then replied in a tender voice, "Sure, Dora, but please wait a minute. I'll stop hanging that light and then we can go." Tonks nodded, stepping closer to support the chair Remus was standing on.

After Ted left, Remus had voluntarily taken on all the work that he thought was too difficult and dangerous for Andromeda or Dora. He cut all the trees without letting Andromeda even close to an ax. He repaired the lamp, not allowing either of them to be in the same room at that moment. He even took the garbage bag from Dora and took it out himself, not wanting his wife to pick up anything that could hurt her or the baby.

When the Christmas lights were hung, he carefully stepped down from the chair and wrapped his arms around his wife. He kissed Tonks's nose and they went to the hall to get warmer clothes on. Since all of Tonks' coats were small for her, Remus gave her his new coat and himself wore his own old fraying coat. They went outside. All places were full of snow, and it brought a smile to Tonks' face. Everything was so beautiful. She loved snow and winter. She was happy. When she lived through the worst Christmas of her life a year ago, now a small voice told her that this year would be the best Christmas of her life. She was with Remus and they will have a little baby.

,,What would you like for Christmas, honey?" Remus asked, putting  his hand over her waist.

,,I want to feel our little baby." she said.

Remus sighed. This answer did not help him at all but made him think again about those disturbing "what if" questions.

,,You don't have to give me anything, Remus." she said when she noticed a sad look on his face.

,,But you are giving me a child. It's the biggest thing that a wife can hive to her husband." said Remus," You are doing so much for me and for our future. I want to feel that I'm doing anything and that I'm doing enough."

,,But, Honey," she turned to him and put her hands on his cheeks," you are doing so much for us."

Remus looked into his wife's brown eyes, letting her radiant love improve his mood, "I love you, Dora. I love you both so much," he put his hand on Tonks' stomach and stroked it tenderly, "I want to do all I can to make your life as wonderful as you have made mine. "

She smiled and kissed him. She wanted to say that her life is already wonderful, but that would be a lie. Everything would be wonderful if Ted's friendly suggestions, Moody's warnings, Melina's enthusiasm, James's insidious jokes about Remus, Lily's congratulations, and their little Hope's laughter could be added to their current happiness. But still, after all, what had happened, Tonks was happy and grateful for the life she had been given.

,,I love you." she said," I have told you hundreds of times that I ask you no more than your love. You are a great husband and you become the best father in the world. Don't overwork for us, honey."

Remus smiled and hugged her gratefully. It was snowing around them, but they didn't care that it covered their clothes. Remus took a deep breath of Dora's sweet scent. The farther Tonks' pregnancy went, the more Remus could sense something new and fascinating about her scent. This changed smelled like both of them, it was a perfect combination of both. He adored it.

,,How are you feeling, Wolfy? "

,,It hurts a little, but otherwise, everything is fine. I think it's going to be a very easy and peaceful moon, "Remus replied, feeling how light his soul was as if it weren't a full moon tonight. Tonks has the ability to just take away all his anxiety.

After a while, Andromeda's voice called for lunch. They headed back to the house. Inside, a feeling of warm love flowed, growing and growing there.


So here's a short intermediate chapter. I wrote this chapter so I could actually ask you all something. I would very much like to know which chapters you prefer and what you would like to read? What is your favorite chapter of this story? What characters would you like to see more of here? I look forward to your answers.

See you latter!

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now