Looser than the wind

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,,Hi, Nym, how do you feel?"

,,I feel good. I am very pleased that everyone is fine."

,,You can't imagine how worried we were about you, Honey, you scared us all so terribly. Moody demanded to you the best ward and the best healers." said Remus, he rubbing Tonks back with tenderness.

,,Moody looked like he could have chewed off someone's head when the doctors said they couldn't do anything for you anymore, but time will tell whether you wake up or not." Sirius laughed, stepped closer to Tonks's bed, and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing the pale hand of his cousin,, You're sure you're fine, Nym?"

,,Yeah, I'm sure. I'm fine, Sirius, just a little tired." she said.

Tonks tried to get out of bed, but she was pushed back by both men.

,,Dora, you must not stand up yet, you must rest. Your body is still too weak to move, Sweetheart." Remus whispered kissing Tonks' brown hair.

,,Sirius? What are you doing here? You should be at headquarters. When the Ministry sees you ..."

,,Don't worry, Nym. Everything is alright. I'm a free man again!" Sirius replied proudly, his almost black eyes shining with joy.

Tonks's eyes twinkled with wonder, a huge smile appearing on her face:,, Really? How?"

,,Let's just say I was lucky."

,,You really were lucky. Sirius would be almost dead, but at the last moment, Harry pulled him away from Bellatrix curse." said Remus.

,,Bellatrix was trying to kill you? "Tonks asked shockingly, her bright brown eyes fading and a smile disappeared on her face.

,,A little." Sirius said sarcastically.

,,I'm sorry!"

,,What are you sorry, Nym?"

,,If I had fought better, your life would not have been in danger."

,,Nym, never say something like that! You did everything in your power and you'd be almost dead! You don't need to apologize for anything!" Sirius replied, looking at Tonks's with an amazed look.

,,Dora, please don't think so." Remus kissed her soft hair again and rubbed her cheek with his thumb,, You did everything you could."

,,No, I didn't. I didn't even try to fight her. I just tried to steer her away from Harry and the other kids. I didn't try to attack her because I knew it wouldn't change anything. I gave up and I don't know why. When she got to me, I couldn't do anything, I just looked her in the eye and gave up. Why, I don't know. Just did nothing."

,,Oh, Dora!" Remus wrapped his arms around her skinny body and pulled Tonks to his lap,, You're young, making mistakes is human, you don't always have to be strong, honey. The main thing is that you are alive."

,,No, Remus, I must not be weak, I am Fucking Auror, I must be strong, this is my job. My job is to protect ordinary citizens. I should have killed her." her voice was painful and emotionless, as if there were a number of dementors in her vicinity.

,,But, Sweety, no one can always be strong. Nobody." Remus ran his fingers through Tonks' hair and smoothed them,, Believe me, even Dumbledore is not always strong. Not even Moody, you should have seen him, the worry his had when you got hurt. The moment Molly saw you lying on this bed, she was definitely not strong at that moment. Or Kingsley when the healers told us how many injuries you had. None of us wasnt strong at that point. You're strong, everyone knows that. Bellatrix knows that too. You know why Bellatrix is ​​trying so desperately to kill you? Because she knows you're dangerous, she knows you're strong, she knows you're dangerous to her."

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