The greatest agony of two hearts

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There was a strange atmosphere in the Grimmauld place living room, weird voices upstairs, and now everyone were waiting hard for something. Someone's quick steps went the stairs, heard the suitcase moving down the stairs and each step made a loud thump. The outside door opened and closed, leaving everyone to wait.

"What happened there?" Sirius asked the rest of the room, as confused as everyone else.

,,No idea." Kingsley answered in a deep voice.

,,There was probably no need to worry, they probably just wanted to be alone and ran away somewhere." said Fred.

,,Remus has been in a bad mood lately."Molly added," I hope they are all right."

The new steps are coming down the stairs, this time they are slow and cautious. The door to the living room opened and everyone's eyes found Tonks, who had tears in her face, her eyes dark and unhappy, and her skin as white as fresh snow.

,,Tonks...Darling, what happened?"

Tonks's brown eyes flashed at Sirius and in less than a second she had run to him and buried herself in her cousin's arms.

,,He left, Sirius. He left." She cried desperately.

,,Where did he go, Nym?" Sirius asked with worried voice.

,,To the werewolves." She whispered venomously.

,,Oh, Moony." Sirius shook his head and pulled his cousin closer to himself.

,,Sirius, he could die there. These wolves ... these animals ... they kill him."

,,Shhh...he will be fine, sweetie, please don't cry, Nym."

,,Why is he going there? For how long? Where exactly? Oh Lord..." Molly's voice was almost as anxious and desperate as Tonks's.

,,Dumbledore sent him there, he joins the Grayback pack and will not return in months, if at all." Tonks cried.

,,Oh, Tonks!" Arthur sighed,, If you want, I can talk to Albus. He should not be sent on such a mission, it is too dangerous. I can..."

,,No need, Arthur, he wanted to go there. He would have left me anyway."

,,I zaid that, as zoon as zomething happens, he's gone. What do you expect from a werewolf." said Fleur outrageously.

,,You know, shut up, you're the last person we want to hear right now. You don't know Remus, he's not like that." Molly winces, looking at Fleur and Bill.

,,He said he was too old, dangerous and poor for me. It's all complete garbage. Doesn't he realize I don't care? What if he dies, Sirius?"

,,Nym, don't think so. He'll be fine and he'll be back soon."

,,I hope so..."


The cold breeze blew in the forest where Remus had fallen. His old suitcase dragged along the dry ground, and with each step he do, the dried leaves were frightening. The deeper into the forest, the darker everything went, the trees had traces of claws and the bones of dead animals lay beneath the bushes. Werewolves were nearby. He hadn't seen them yet, but he knew he was in the right place. He smelled it, and he had been before, when Greyback kidnaped Dora, when Greyback hurt Dora. Dora...

Finally, Remus arrived at the pack's location, with a dozen old of wooden houses standing in the middle of the forest, people moving around.

Remus hesitantly. A short , bald-headed man walking toward him:,, Who are you, you are not among us?"

,,I am Remus Lupin, I brought it here to join the Greyback pack." Remus said.

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