My love

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,,Mad-Eye, where do I put those boxes?"

,,Stay away from those boxes, girl. You drop them!"

,,Thanks for your trust, Mad-Eye!"

,,I trust you with these boxes if you can make a reverse salto without falling." Moody said.

Tonks sighed and sat on one box. She and Moody had to distribute all 639 bottles of Wolfsbane potion for werewolves today. They was in side street on Diagon alley. They had put a bunch of sauce in there, and now they waited for noon when people to come.

Tonks was getting bored, "What if nobody comes?"

,,They come!" Moody replied, "Dumbledore did a good advertising" Moody looked at Tonks, who was sitting on two boxes and holding her feet on one of the smaller boxes, "You should change your look, girl. What we do is illegal and you may have come much trouble at  the ministry."

,,I don't care."

,,Yes you do, girl! You may lost your job!" Moody snapped.

,,I don't care, Mad-Eye. I want people to know that I am in favor of werewolves. The ministry can't send me to Azkaban for that, the only thing they can do is fire me. And I don't care about that. I can find a another job if I want. Theoretically, I shouldn't go to work because I have money like mud."

,,Hah, let it be then, but don't tell me later that I didn't warn you."

,,Mad-Eye, do you think I'm scared? Take note that my boyfriend is a werewolf and I am not afraid of him, why should I be afraid of other werewolves or some of the Ministry soles?" Tonks said slightly angrily.

,,First, he's your ex-boyfriend. And second, I don't think you're scared, I just don't want you to ruin your life, girl."

,,I'm sorry, Mad-Eye. I know I have been a big concern to all of you lately. But honestly I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." she said sweatley.

,,My job is to protect you."

Tonks wasn't sure if she could hear it right, Moody's voice was suddenly so quiet that it was impossible to hear it with the street noise from afar.

,,What you said?" Tonks asked.

Moody turned his head sharply to the other side and muttered loudly and sharply, "I said shut your mouth. We give the impression of being unprofessional when we talk so much, you are like a child, Tonks."

,,You didn't say that before!" Tonks muttered to herself.

She jumped off the boxes and walked a few steps.

After a few minutes a man would approach them.

,,Hi, are you from the Dumbledore Order? "He asked a little shyly, he wasn't older than 25.

,,Yeah..." answered Tonks, she rushed toward one box and took out three bottles, "You came after Wolfsbane?"


,,In that case, they are for you." Tonks handed the bottles to the man who received them uncertainly.

,,Are you sure...?"

,,Yeah, I'm pretty sure! Take them, believe me, we have not poisoned them." Tonks said frendly.

The man's eyes glittered and for a moment Tonks thought the man might start to cry, "Thank you, Miss. You can't imagine how important this drink is to people like me."

,,Don't thank me, I only dispense these drinks, other people are behind everything else. And believe me, I know how important this drink is to you."

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