With Severus

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Dumbledore called a meeting a few days before the New Year, and the whole Order gathered at headquarters. Everyone sat behind the kitchen table and waited for Dumbledore.

,,Moody, do you know why Dumbledore called the meeting? Has something happened?" asked Arthur.

,,He said he had some urgent missions." said Moody, his magic eye stopped at the ceiling to check if the kids were in their rooms.

,,And that's why we all need to be invited here? Are you sure nothing has happened? "Hesta asked nervously.

,,I'm not Dumbledore, I don't know!"

At that moment Dumbledore stepped in, followed by Snape.

,,Albus, has something happened? "Molly asked worriedly.

,,No, Molly, it's okay. Nothing has happened. Just one quick meeting, we won't go more than half an hour."

Dumbledore sat behind the table:,, So, I have a list with a missions. First, we need to set up the next two weeks of guard duties for the Department of Mysteries. In addition, I have some different tasks. We need to start patrolling around Diagon Alley, there has been a lot of Death Eaters lately. it is not necessary during the daytime, but at night it is important, we may run into something that may be useful to us. More information has come to me that some Death Eaters will gather in a derelict house in next week, and we would need to check to see if that meeting was working and to intervene and collect information if necessary. I'd be happy to give this mission to Alistor, Kingsley and Remus." three men nodded in agreement,, And finally, there is a mission that would take place in New Year's Eve. Severus received an invitation from Malfoy for a New Year's party, we need someone to go with Severus. We should take a look around Malfoyde Manor and maybe we could find some information about Voldemort's location or something else that could help us. I very much hope you, Nymphadora, are willing to do that. Your Metamorphmagus skills are very important to this mission."

,,Of course!" Tonks said, she was very excited about the new mission, even if her mission partner was Snape.

,,I won't allow it, Nym!" Sirius cried.

,,Why not?" she asked.

,,I just won't let you go there. Moony, say something. "He turns to his best friend ,,Don't let her go. Maybe she will listen to you."

,, She's not listening to me. Besides, if she is willing to go then let she go." Remus said.

,,Black, Nymphadora is an adult and she does what she wants! We all know that you don't like Severus very much, but that doesn't mean she can't go on a mission with him." said Moody.

Sirius rushed out of the kitchen angrily. Everyone stared at the kitchen door with a startled glance.

,,So then, I will hand out the guard assignment sheet and please tick on it off any night when you will can be in the Department of mysteries." Dumbledore handed the paper to Kingsley.

In ten minutes, all missions were distributed. Tonks grabbed Remus's hand, she wanted to pull him up into their room, but someone's cold and strong voice stopped her:,, Nymphadora, I need to talk with you about our mission." Tonks turned around and was faced with Snape.

,,All right, let's talk." replied Tonks.

,,Maybe your dog wouldn't listen to us." Snape looked at Remus with a mock glance.

,,Let him be. By the way, if you call him a dog once more, you will lose your nose."

Snape frowned. He glanced at the table, they sat behind the table, Remus stood by the wall, away from them. He didn't want Snape to be near Dora at all, even less he wanted to leave Snape alone with her, it seemed Dora didn't want it either.

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