The story of an old soldier

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It was one of the most frustrating Christmass Mad-Eye Moody had ever seen. If Christmas was usually filled with happy and smiling people who bought their last Christmas presents along the Hogsmade, this year was completely different. There were no people in Hogsmades except him and two more aurors. It was only seven in the evening, but it seemed like midnight. He growled. His patrol was pointless. Even the Death Eaters are not so stupid as to attack a deserted street controlled by a bunch of the best Aurors.

,,Did you see anyone?" Kingsley's low voice asked from behind Moody.

If he not had his magic eye, he would have attacked his colleague and old friend with obvious fright, but no Death Eater would be able to fake this warm yet political smile of Kingsley.


,,Bad." Kingsley said," I was already hoping to be able to attack someone to scare away my boredom. It's pretty pointless to sit here on Christmas Eve."

,,Go home, Kingsley, your wife and son are definitely waiting for you already." 

Kingsley raised an eyebrow thoughtfully, "What about you? If you want you can join us, my Sophie cooks a wonderful turkey."

,,Rather not. I'm not going to ruin your family's Christmas. Besides, there is someone I should visit." Moody replied quickly, giving Kingsley a thoughtful look on his face, but the dark-skinned wizard said nothing, he only smiled lightly.

,,Well, in that case, see you tomorrow, Alastor."

,,Bye." Moody said, and both men vanished into different parts of London at the same time.

The next moment, Moody was in front of a large apartment building. He stepped to the door of the house and opened the front door with a simple spell. After walking up the stairs for a while, he found himself in front of a dark gray door. He knocked on the door and waited, but no answer came. He knocked again, but again there was no answer. His magical eye began to look around nervously, but he didn't notice anything suspicious, but suddenly, his magical eye stopped, and through it, he saw a young brown-haired girl lying in a bath full of blood. Moody's blood froze for a moment, then he opened the door with several spells and rushed to the bathroom. And there she was ... hair hanging messy, eyes swollen with tears, the clothes she wore were wet, dark red blood dripping from both hands...

,,No!" Moody shouted painfully, him heart cracking into hundreds of fragments, "Tonks?" He landed on the knees next to the bath, his hand moving to check the young woman's pulse, she was alive, but barely, "No, Nymphadora. Why? Why girl." he was panicking. The experienced soldier didn't know what to do, he had seemed to have lost the ability to do something to help her. He could only sit there, looking at her pale face, which became paler after each drop of blood lost. There was an empty jar of medicine on the floor, and it scared Moody even more. He felt tears in his eyes that hadn't been there in years.

,,Hold on, girl, just hold on." he whispered, "Be with us, my girl." Moody put one hand under her knees, and the other hand wrapped heavily around her shoulders, "Hold on, Nymphadora, I'll take care of you, everything will be fine, girl." he quickly led her toward the fireplace, his eyes were hazy with tears, "Hold on, Emma, ​​please hold on."


Mad-Eye is dead...

Tonks felt unable to breathe, her legs became weak, and if Remus hadn't held her, she could have fallen in shock. Her hands trembled and her mind was stuck with that one painful sentence. It just wasn't possible, it wasn't.

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