Let it go, let her go

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The week passed without any news. No one had any idea where Ted might be. Every night, Tonks and Andromeda sat by the window, looking out with an expectant look. They both hoped with all their heart that Ted's smiling face would appear in front of them, and the man waved anxiously at them. But this did not happen, and after each night both of them felt the hope diminish steadily. It's only been a week, but it seemed to them they hadn't seen Ted in years. Remus tried to comfort both women, but he lacked the strength to penetrate the longing and grief that both women felt deeply. Tonks' heart was still dripping with blood from the loss of Hope, Melina and Mad-Eye, now she felt that she was losing her father as well. Remus felt that feeling in her. He tried to put a smile on his wife's face. He picked flowers for her, bought chocolate, surprised her with a romantic bath and a walk. But Tonks's lips remained in a straight line all the time, and that depressing and sad look did not disappear from her pale face for a moment. One day, Remus received a message from Molly that he was needed for a mission, and he had to leave the country for two days. Remus was immediately hit by a great wave of concern. He didn't want to leave Tonks alone. Andromeda was at work during the day, and Remus' departure would mean that Tonks would stay home alone for the whole day, and this was not what Remus wanted. After Ted left, Remus refused to leave Tonks alone. He took her everywhere he went, but he couldn't do it this time. So the anxious husband wrote the letter. And the answer came soon. And that answer made Remus breathe easier.

After receiving the answer, Remus crept into the living room, where Tonks slept on the couch. She slept like a cat, a white duvet tightly around her, her dark green hair spread out everywhere, her face calm and modest. Remus smiled. Due to her pregnancy, her body had changed a little, and she was very sleepy all the time, and could have as many as five naps during the day. Her emotions fluctuate, and in the meantime, she seemed to be in the two different rhythms: nausea and vomiting or hunger and sleep.

Remus sat on the edge of the couch and smoothed Tonks' hair. She moved a little but still didn't wake up. Remus didn't want to wake her up. He slowly lay down beside her, and wrapped his arm around her, going as close as he could without waking her up. They often slept like that. It took a while for Tonks to realize that she was surrounded by protective and strong hands. She slowly opened her eyes and met her husband's calm face. His eyes were closed, his face gentle and lips pleased with a smile.

,,Remus." She whispered.

,,Remus' eyes opened immediately, and the smile on his lips widened in an instant, "Hey, darling."

,,Hey, "

,,How did you sleep? "Remus asked, gently stroking her red cheek with his thumb.

,,Good. Though that couch made my back hurt a little. "

,,Do you want me to help you with that? "

Tonks nodded sleepily and sit up. Remus moved a little closer to her, Tonks leaned closer to Remus and put her head against his shoulder. Remus's arms rose to her shoulders, and he began to gently muddle her muscles. Soft sighs escaped her mouth as his fingers pressed against her tense muscles. Every little time, Tonks sank closer and closer to Remus, until finally, she was basically in his lap. He kissed her cheek and moved his hands from her shoulders to her lower back.

,,Do you feel petter, Honey?" he asked.

Tonks nodded again. She felt so sleepy, that she could fall asleep right now.

,,Dora, I wrote a letter to Sirius this morning. "

,,Hmm ... "

,,This weekend he is at Grimmould's place with Magdalena. Would you like to go to them when I'm on a mission? "Remus asked in a soft voice as if talking to a small child.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now