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Several peaceful days passed, with Tonks and Remus spending much time with Sirius and Harry. It seemed like all the Order's work had stopped for a while. Death Eaters kept a low profile. Because the prophecy had been destroyed the Order no longer had to watch over it.

One morning Tonks woke up to hear a loud sound from outside the room, as if someone was screaming. Slowly she got up from the bed, Remus's hands gripping Tonks's naked body, she gently pulled her out of his arms. Put on her clothes that were on the floor and stepped out without waking Remus.

She went down the stairs and entered the living room. When she opened the door to living room, she saw Fleur standing on the table, appearing to be in total panic, Ginny and Hermione sitting on the couch, both laughing out loud.

,,What happened here?"she asked.

,,There's a z-spider on the floor!" Fleur yelled with her strong French accent.


,,Yeah, Fleur and Ron have the same boggart. Honestly who's afraid of spiders? They are so small and harmless." Ginny laughed.

,,Looks like you haven't seen Hagrid's spider."

,,You have?" Hermione asked.

,,Yeah, that's long story. Me and Charlie did a lot of things. We would have almost had Aragog's lunch if Hagrid hadn't come out." Tonks walked to the table and squatted, the little spider tossing on the floor.

,,Pleaze, kill it!" Murmured Fleur with a trembling voice.

,,Nah, my hands already have enough blood without killing this innocent being. I'll take it outside." she gently pushed the spider into her hand and took it to the window, Tonks opened the window and let the spider climb onto the window frame,, You see, Fleur, nobody got hurt. Even the life of the smallest being is worth the fortune. War teaches you to understand it."

,,Thiz little beazt is not worth anything!"

,,Yes it is, one day you will understand." Tonks sat behind the desk, Fleur stepped off the desk and sit onto the chair, Ginny and Hermione joining them.

,, You look so tired, Tonks. Didn't you sleep well?" Ginny raised a worried look at the young auror who was slowly starting to poke her face.

Fleur giggled:,, Believe me, Ginny, she's doing very well."

,,How you know, how she fell herself?" Hermione asked.

,,You're juzt too young to underztand. Tonkz certainly knowz what I'm talking about."

Tonks's face turned even more blush, and it made veela laugh even more:,, That's funny. Lupin also alwayz turnz red in the face when someone zayz zomething about the zubject. You two fit together nicely."

,,Thank... I guess."Tonks said skeptically.

,,You're adorable when you're embarrazzed. Do you know that your hair will then turnz into a mixture of light red and purple?"

,,Enough, Fleur, don't bully Tonks." Ginny yelled.

Tonks saw in Ginny's freckled face that she didn't like Fleur very much. Tonks also felt that Fleur didn't really like Ginny or metamorphmagus. On the very first day Bill introduced her to the others, veela had made derogatory remarks about Tonks, and it seemed that she was even a little jealous of Tonks' ability to make herself more beautiful than veela. Tonks doesn't blame her, even during school there were girls who hated her for her abilities. Who doesn't want a woman who can look like any fantasy, it's even more attractive than veela.

,,I can't always control my abilities, Fleur, they tend to gain strength from my emotions." Tonks answered with a cold voice.

,,Lupin is probably a lucky man. You have to care zo much about him that you chooze not one of the young and rich men who can pay good money for your abilities"

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