What the hell! Dung have a plan?

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The bitter smell of coffee filled the kitchen of Lupin's family apartment. They had just returned home, and since they didn't have time to have breakfast in the hotel, Remus immediately went to the kitchen to do something to eat for himself and Tonks, before the Order meeting. Tonks took the bags of both of them to the bedroom, and discovered a black cat sleeping on the bed, who raised his head sleepily when he heard her. Auror rushed to the bed and patiently grabbed the big cat in her arms.

,,Hi, sweety, did you miss mommy? Well, I missed you, Junior!" she wisphered to sleepy cat, who seemed to want to just go back to sleep between the warm pillows," Where is our cuz, S Junior? Did he go again to his girlfriend and leaved you alone?" the cat yawned and tried to get off Tonks' lap with gentle paw movements, but the young woman had wrapped her arms tightly around the cat and was already carrying him to the kitchen," Look, honey, daddy is making some food. Are you hungry? I am."

,,Dora, don't call me a daddy for this cat." Remus said, he put the next egg in the pan.

,,But when I am his mother then you have to be his father. We are married now! My child is also your child."

,,In that case, I am his stepfather, stepfather and stepchild do not have to get along."

,,Who said that?" she asked.

,,Muggle kid stories." 

Tonks shook her head quietly and said nothing. She let Junior jump off her lap, and the cat immediately ran toward his blue food bowl, which was completely empty. Tonks walked to the refrigerator and took half a jar of cat food and poured all its contents into the Junior bowl. The cat began to eat with appetite, as always. She threw an empty jar in the trash, and by the time she turned around, there were already two plates of eggs and bacon on the table. Remus sat at the table, in front of him a whole pile of Daily Prophet's newspapers, as if trying to read everything that had happened during the week. Tonks also sat at the table and immediately grabbed her hot cup of coffee. She watched Remus' boring expression as he read the page.

,,Something interesting?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee, which tasted sweet with honey and whipped cream.

,,Not a single word. Basically, there are only commercials, pointless political quarrels, celebrity relationship dramas, hmm one vampire attacking the east coast, that's more or less everything. Not a word about Voldemort or the Death Eaters." Remus folded the newspapers together again and put them on the table, Tonks grabbed one of them with the big headline "Band the Weird Sisters, soloist broke up with his girlfriend. I've never felt so betrayed - said celebrity ex-bride Eve Holmes"

,,Uuu, Myron is singel now, Melina would be happy, she had a big crush on him." Remus grabbed the newspaper from his wife and placed it on the table next to other newspapers. Tonks frowned and asked, "Why did you take it away from me?"

,,I will save our marriage. I don't need you to run away with a punk man after a week of marriage." he said with little smile.

,,Oh, shut up, Remus. Melina and Holly liked him, I liked their drummer more."

,,Good to know."

After half an hour, they changed their clothes and prepared to go to Burrow. They hadn't even gotten close to the house when they noticed Molly running out of the house and running towards them with open hands. She hugged them both so hard they couldn't breathe properly.

,,It's so nice to see you, darlings. "Molly sighed happily, she took a step away from them to look at them properly," You're so brown, you've probably gotten a lot of sun. How did the trip go?"

,,It was great. Wonderful. "Tonks replied," We brought gifts for everyone. "

,,It wouldn't have been necessary, honey. But let's go in now, you're definitely tired. Mad-Eye and Sirius are already waiting for you in the kitchen." Molly tore them both towards the house, Remus and Tonks grinned on their own, Molly behaved as if they disappeared again when she let go. 

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