Swear to me that you will survive

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It was midnight, the Order meeting had just ended, and many people had left the headquarters again. Remus and Sirius sat on two armchairs in front of the fireplace, a little away, Tonks sleeping on the couch, dark blue hair scattered everywhere. 

,,Poor girl, she's so tired, she deserves a decent vacation, she desperately needs it." said Sirius, taking a sip of his butterbeer.

,,She has not had any days off for two weeks, the ministry has been completely confused with her workload, She had a night out on a mission last night and by morning had gone to the ministry. I wonder that she did not fall asleep during the meeting. To my knowledge, she last slept four days ago." Remus replied, looking at his still intact glass.

,,My poor Nym."

,,She must be at work tomorrow. I don't want to let her in there, she should rest."

,,Write to Kingsley that she can't go to work, he understands." said Sirius.

,,Yeah, Kingsley will understand, but Dora won't. If I did, she would think I didn't think she could handle it. But I do. I'm just worried she's overworked." Remus's gaze moves toward the sofa,, My poor Dora."

Sirius smirked, took a new sip from his bottle and then said in a loud voice:,, We do, you put her to bed, in the morning when you wake up, you don't wake her up, you take her alarm clock and hide it before it rings, you go out of the room and lock the door. She can sleep freely until noon, and if she wakes up and discover she's locked,  there is nothing better she can do than go back to sleep."

,,But what if she wants to eat or needs to go to the toilet?"

,,We leave her sandwiches on the table and some kind of bucket somewhere."

,,It would be worse than a prison!"

,,Believe me, compared to Azkaban, that would be a complete luxury."

,,But what if she thinks something bad has happened or is some stupid joke?"

,,We leave her a letter on the door. For God's sake, Moony, think a little too!"

,,Sirius, I won't lock her!" said Remus firmly.

,,Okay, okay, It was just idea. But please, let Kingsley know that she will not go to work tomorrow."

,,I will try." 

For a while both were silent, Sirius took his last sip from the bottle and Remus took his first.

,,When is the full moon?" Sirius asked suddenly.

Remus placed his bottle on the table next to Sirius' empty bottle:,, One more week and then... i will be monster agan."

,,Oh, Moony, Moony, Moony, again that self-hating voice."

,,Padfoot, please, let's talk about something else. Can we?"

,,Nice weather outside, isn't it?" 

,,Of course!" Remus replies sarcastically, as the weather outside would be too unfair even to the dog who sits alone in his doghouse,, Classic London weather."

The rest of the evening two friends sat down and talk about their funny (for Remus embarrassing) memories, and drank a few bottles of butterbeer. When it was two o'clock, they finally decided to go to sleep. Sirius headed to his room. Remus took Tonks sleeping on the couch and brought her into their room and carefully placed her on the bed. Tonks didn't wake up, she was in such a deep dream that she didn't seem to realize she had just been transported to another side of the house. Remus kissed her in the forehead, changed his clothes, lay beside Tonks in bed and pulled the blanket over them. He went as close to Tonks as he could, without waking her up, and put his arms around her.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now