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It was a dark and cold March night, Remus walked aimlessly around the forest. The cold breeze blew gently, cooling the air, and blowing away Remus's wandering thoughts. The bitter smell of loneliness struck him again, as it had done for months. He no longer felt human, more like a doll. He interacted with other members of the pack, but it wasn't the same. He missed evening talks with Sirius, interesting discussions with Arthur and Kingsley, he missed Dumbledore's optimist, Molly's excellent cooking skills, he even missed Moody's paranoia. But most of all he longed for comfort, and the only person who could give Remus such comfort and security ... he missed Dora.

Her smile, the shine in her eyes, her gentle touch, the taste of her lips, her colored hair, her optimist and how she can find good in every person. He missed everything about her.

The damp soil under Remus's shoes made a strange sound, and every step of the way he became even more depressed. Remus knew it wouldn't last long. He won't last long in the woods. Dumbledore knew that, Remus had told him. If Remus wished he could leave the forest right now and rejoin civilization, he couldn't. These kids here needed him. And his return would have meant putting Dora's life at risk, and he refused to do so. 

The bright light was shone from afar, and it frightened Remus. He looked at the luminous shape in the distance. Remus grabbed his wand from his coat pocket. Slowly, the light began to move toward Remus. The werewolf headed his wand. As it got closer, Remus noticed that it was a Patronus. And not an ordinary Patronus, it was a wolf. If Remus had not known that it was impossible he would have thought it was his own Patronus. When the silver wolf reached Remus, it suddenly stopped. He knew whose wolf it was. Remus squatting at the wolf and placed his hand on the silver animal's head.

The wolf opened it's mouth and a gentle voice came out, "Happy birthday, Remus. I hope you're doing well there and no one is treating you badly. I miss you. And I still love you. Be healthy and come home soon. Love you."

Remus smiled gently, feeling the heat flowing through his body, "I love you too, Dora."

Suddenly the wolf turned around and ran away. Remus tried to stop it, but couldn't. The wolf had run away with Remus's message.

,,Clever woman." Remus smiled.


This chapter is dedicated to Remus, who turned 60 years old some days ago. I know it's late, but I still wish a happy birthday to our lovely professor. The next chapter is the longer I promise.

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