Best gift

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Sirius left the library at eleven o'clock in morning. He stepped up the stairs and walked to the door of Remus's room. He put a hand on the link and opened the door.

,,Moony, are you awake?"

,,Sirius out!" Tonks and Remus both shouted at the same time.

,,Why?" Sirius took one step further and saw Remus, without a shirt, looking from under the blanket, and Tonks hid herself completely under the blanket ,,Holy shit!"

,,Get out, Sirius!" cried Tonks from under the blanket.

Sirius quickly steped out and snaped the door shut. He leaned against the door and said:,, Moony, when you're done here, please come to the library. "

,,Sirius, can't you knock?!"

,,Shouldn't you be at work, young lady?"

,,I have no job today, it's weekend!" Tonks said.

Sirius sighed and disappeared back to the library.

Tonks put her head out of the blanket and looked at Remus with a questioning glance:,,Did he leave?"

,,I think so."

,,Oh, good." Tonks crawled closer to Remus and leaned her head against his chest.

,,Dora, I should go and see what's wrong with him."

,,I won't let you go. Sirius said once you've done here, you haven't done here." She beganed to kiss his chin and slowly moved downwards with her kisses.

Remus sighed and wrapped his arms around Tonks' thigh. Slowly, he began to move his hands along her body...

20 minutes later

Remus dressed and left the bedroom, leaving half-sleeping Tonks alone. He goes downstairs to the door of the library and opened the door. Sirius sited on the sofa and holded a glass of rum in his hand. Remus sited down next to Sirius. Sirius looked at his best friend as if he had just killed his dog.

,,Are you all right, Padfoot?" Remus asked.

,,I feel like I've just run into my sister and best friend. Nor is it very different. But that was not what I wanted to talk to you, Moony."

,,What did you want then?"

,,I need you to go to buy Christmas presents for me. I can't get out of the house to buy them. I made you a list." Sirius handed Remus a piece of paper with the names,, There is a list of what gift I want for someone."

,,But, Padfoot, it is still more than a month until Christmas."

,,Where have you been, Moony? Has love really confused your head so much? It's a week until Christmas! Haven't you noticed the snow outside?"

,,Only a week?!? A little while ago was September."

,,Yeah, and then were October, then November and now it's mid-December! Time flies fast when you're in love, huh?"

Remus lowered his head against his hands:,, I thought I'd have time to find her a present. But a week!"

,,You have to start thinking fast. You can't let down your charming lady and by the way my cousin. She deserves the best."

,,So not me."

,,No, Moony, I didn't mean it."

,,It does not matter. I'm going to the shops on Monday morning when Dora's gone to work." Remus looks at the list Sirius had given him,, You know Molly will kill you if you give a box smell bombs to the twins. I'm pretty sure Hermione already has this book. Wait, why do you want to give Dora a pregnancy book?"

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