You're not alone

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After the funeral ended, Sirius pulled Remus and Tonks with him and they went to look for Harry. They found him talking to minister, the boy seemed uncomfortable. Sirius walked towards him, and as soon as the minister saw the former prisoner of Azkaban, he withdrew and returned to the other employees of the ministry. Tonks and Remus followed Sirius, who now hugged his godson.

,,How are you, Harry?" Sirius asked anxiously.

The boy who lived shrugged, his glasses were slightly blurred in tears, and his face was pale, as if he were dead, "Normally." he replied briefly.

Sirius smiled lightly, he couldn't say anything. Throughout the funeral, he had thought about talking to Harry soon, but now he didn't know what to say. When he looked at his godson's face, he saw James, and when he looked into his eyes, he saw Lily, and that did nothing to help him with picking his words.

,,Sirius?" Harry asked suddenly.

,,Yeah?" the senior wizard replied nervously at times.

,,Do I have to go back to my relatives? Maybe I could come with you."

Sirius' face grew serious, he looked at his godson with unhappy eyes, "Unfortunately it's not possible, Harry. I would really like that, very much. But ... it's not possible. First, it wouldn't be safe. Until you're with your relatives, no one can get to harm you, and now Dumbledore is dead, you no longer safe elsewhere. Also I live with Remus and Nym in their apartment, but I promise you that after your birthday you can come to me, by then I will definitely have my own apartment or found a house."

,,At least that," said the boy with a small smile on his face, which broke Sirius' heart.

,,But Harry, if you need anything, let us know. If something happens, write to us about it. Okay? " Tonks asked.

,,Don't worry, Harry, no worries are too small to write to us. And those few months of your birthday are going fast." Remus added, a caring smile on his face.

,,Of course, thank you all." replied the boy, he also had a smile on his face, and Tonks admitted to herselfi that she had never seen such sincere joy in Harry's face.

,,You don't have to thank, honey. You are part of the family. You're not alone." Auror stepped forward and hugged the young boy, who seemed in shock, he certainly hadn't expected such affection from someone he'd barely seen 10 times in his life.

A little insecure, Harry put his arms around Tonks.

Kingsley came to them. Next to him was a young auror that Tonks recognized, and she wanted not to know him. It was Ronald Hildson.

,,Harry," Kingsley started with his low voice," you should go to the other students. You will be taken on a train soon. Hildson will secure you until you reach Kings Cross."

,,I can take him myself, Kingsley, you don't have to bother Hildson," Tonks said.

,,Unfortunately, Tonks, you have your own responsibilities. And Hildson volunteered. "

Tonks looked at Hildson's sly look as if he has done something very evil.

,,Don't worry, Nymphadora, I'll keep an eye on him. Come on, my boy, we'll take you to our friends now. A young hero like you doesn't have to interact with such strange adults like them. Come on." said Hildson, putting his hand on Harry 's shoulder and pulling him toward the other students.

Harry looked up and waved goodbye to the others before he disappeared into the crowd with Hildson.

,,You made a mistake, King. Hildson is not reliable. I'm sure he's not loyal to the ministry." Tonks glared at her boss.

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