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As soon as a couple returned to headquarters, Molly and Sirius both hugged Tonks so hard, that she couldn't breathe.

The next two weeks passed quickly, Tonks and Remus didn't see much of each other because Remus needed to go on a lot of guard missions, and Tonks was at work. But when they met, they shared sweet kisses. In the evenings, they were sitting on the couch in the living room, either chatting or reading a book together. When they were asleep, it was difficult for them to say goodbye to each other and go to separate rooms. They had decided to move forward peacefully and take one step at a time.

It was time for the Order to go on a mission to bring Harry to headquarters. The mission was preceded by the last meeting of the Order. Everyone who participated in the mission sat at the kitchen table. Moody stood up, his magical eye scanning all present.

,,So, in exactly half an hour we'll be out of here and should reach Harry's house in exactly forty-eight minutes and sixteen seconds. I hope everyone has the brooms with them. I repeat the plan one more time. Me, Hesta, Emmeline, Remus, Kingsley, Dung, and Nymphadora, we'll fly to Harry's house. Bill and Severus keep an eye out for everything and rush in if necessary. When we get to Harry, we have fifteen minutes, and by that time Bill and Severus will have to send a signal and we will be flying back. So I hope everyone is clear. Nymphadora, did you send this letter to Harry's relatives?"

,,Firstly, don't call me Nymphadora and secondly, yes, I sent this letter several weeks ago, and I made sure they got it, Mad-Eye. " said Tonks.

,,Nice. And remember, if any of us were to die, it was secondary, most importantly Harry's safety. If we are attacked, the most important thing is to keep Harry alive and bring him here, no matter how many members of the Order die in the process."

,,Easy, Moody, no one dies." said Bill.

Soon everyone gathered outside and got ready to fly. Tonks felt nervous, this was her first rescue mission, and the importance of this mission was invaluable. What if she did something wrong? What if she ruins everything?


Tonks turned around and saw Remus behind her. Tonks stepped closer and hugged him, Remus wrapped his arms around her waist.

,,Promise to me that you're careful, Dora. I do not want to lose you."

,,Oh look, the Order gets a new love couple!" said a low voice, Tonks and Remus quickly turned around and sees the whole Order watching them, led by Kingsley.

,,Well, it was time, or what?" said Dung.

,,Oh, guys, leave these two alone now, let them end their goodbye just in case." Hesta said.

,,We don't have time for that. Lupin, Nymphadora to the brooms!" grumped Moody.

Tonks quickly kissed Remus' cheek and then went away. After a few minutes they had taken off and headed for Harry's house.

After the mission and the Order meeting

Remus and Tonks sat on the library couch. Tonks sat on man's lap and Remus's arms were wrapped tightly around her.

,,Do you have a working day tomorrow?" asked Remus, he stroking Tonks pink hair.

,,Unfortunately, yes, I get home at about 6pm. But why do you ask?"

,,I was just thinking that maybe you wanted to go to Three Broomsticks."

,,Did you just ask me on a date?"

,,Hmm, it okay...I mean, if you don't want to...we don't have to...I just thought... and..."

,,Of course I want to!" the pink color of her hair became much brighter,, Why did you think I didn't want to? I'd love to go out with you, Remus!"

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now