The bite of the mate

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,,No, it's crazy, Kingsley. We can't just sit back and pretend nothing happened! "Molly Weasley shouted over Grimmauld Place's kitchen," We can't ignore the hostage letter and pretend Remus and Tonks never existed." She almost cried, she hid her big green eyes with her shaking hands.

,,Molly, we have no choice. Do you really want to give Harry to them? "Kingsley asked, leaning against the table, his voice harsh, but there was a strong anxiety in it," I'm sorry, Molly. I care about them too, they are my friends, colleagues. But we cannot sacrifice the only hope of the wizarding world. "

,,I'm not asking you to. Of course, we won't give Harry to the Death Eaters, but we can't just give up. We have to start looking for them! We need to find Remus and Tonks and bring them home alive. "

,,But how do we do that? "Minerva, sitting at the table, asked, her face looking older and tired than usual," We don't even know where to look for them. "

,,We'll figure it out. We find them. You're right, Molly, the Order won't leave any members behind, "Kingsley said sensibly, but that was the last thing Sirius heard.

The poor man had not slept for the last two days, he was completely broken by worries. His best friend and beloved baby cousin had been kidnapped by their biggest enemies, and none of them knew if they were even alive. Only once in his life had Sirius felt such fear, and that was when Voldemort set out to hunt James and Lily. There were few people in this world whom Sirius loved unconditionally. There were James and Lily, now they had both died for sixteen years. Regulus, his dear little brother, turned out to be a Death Eater, and by now he is probably dead. Harry who was missing and no one knew where he was hiding. Tonks and Remus, two friends he couldn't imagine his life without, were both kidnapped ... probably already dead. And then there was Magdalena ... a lovely, intelligent woman who sat right next to him, holding his hand in support and whispering words of comfort in his ear. Magdalena had stood by Sirius all this time. Ever since Dumbledore's death, when life had become so precarious, Magdalena had never let Sirius fall into a black hole of depression. She kept him in the light, showing him how many wonderful things he had reason to live for. Even now, Magdalena sat next to him, trying to help him. For the past three hours, the dark-skinned witch hadn't let go of Sirius for even a minute. Sirius would have appreciated it very much if he hadn't been so worried.

,,We need to get the word out, "Kingsley said," Maybe someone saw them being attacked, or maybe there's someone who knows where the Death Eaters are holding them. "

,,I doubt there are witnesses, "Arthur replied anxiously," And even if someone saw the attack, the Death Eaters have killed all the witnesses by now. "

,,Does that mean we have nothing? We can't help them? "Fleur asked, shaking her tiny head sadly.

Kingsley sighed loudly, he fell gently to the chair and rested his head on his hands, "I'm afraid. During my long Auror career, I've seen many people disappear, but believe me, it's one of the biggest losses I've ever faced... "

,,We can't lose hope yet, "Molly muttered, tears welling down her cheeks," There's always a chance, "

,,There's always a chance, "Sirius replied in an almost silent whisper.

Magdalena sighed painfully, hurting her to see Sirius like that. He reached for him and pressed his lips against his cheek, which was covered with a light beard several days old. The eyes of many moved sympathetically to Sirius. Molly opened her mouth to say something to Sirius, but before she had a chance, there was an irregular sound in the hallway opening the door. Everyone's heads moved to the kitchen door at the same time, and they rushed out of the kitchen. At first, no one could understand who had entered, but suddenly, when they noticed tangled dark green hair they knew who they were.

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