The Phoenix Fire

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,,Hey, lovebirds, if you don't move, we'll be late! The funeral will start in an hour, get your ass up from bed and get ready!" Sirius 'voice shouted behind the door of Tonks and Remus' bedroom, before his steps toward the kitchen.

Remus sighed wearily against Tonks' blue hair. Tonks pressed a pillow against her face and whimpered through her throat voice. 

He wrapped his arm harder around Tonks' body and whispered in her ear, "Why did we have to take him to live with us? We'll take him to the animal shelter, please, Dora!"

,,I agree. How can you snore so loud that you can hear it through the wall? I thought my father was snoring loudly, but Sirius is a troll compared to him." she whined against a pink pillow.

,,But at the same time, he's right, honey. We may be late if we're here for a long time."

,,I don't want to wake up yet! "Said Tonks unhappily," It's so warm and comfortable here, and we've slept a maximum of four hours today because of this snoring dog." she placed her head against Remus' chest and crawled even closer to him.

,,Don't go through, honey, we have to wake up. Come on, Dora." Remus sit up on the bed and pushed Tonks's blue hair out of her sight," Let's get dressed. Before Sirius rains in here."

,,Fine, but you have to promise to me, that you to do something with snoring Sirius. "

,,We can add a soothing charm to a room."

,,Sounds like a plan." she sighed and reluctantly got up from the warm bed and met the cold air in the room, "It's so cold here!"

,,Well, that means you have to get dressed. "By that time, Remus was already in the closet and pulled out his most decent suit.

,,Remus, could you throw me my black dress? "Tonks asked sweetly, still wrapped in a warm and thick blanket.

,,Amm..." Remus looked at Tonks' wardrobe and met eight stacks of black clothes, "Which one?"

,,Formal clothes are on the top shelf, dresses are in the second stack. Take a short-sleeved, classic black dress from there." taught Tonks pointed with a finger.

,,Amm, maybe you can do it yourself, I don't think I understand which ones are classic and which ones aren't."

,,No, I can't, the blanket has taken me hostage. There should be a dress that is hourglass-cut, body-hugging, sleeves in the usual style, short, cut at an angle. The dress is muggle company's own, I don't remember its name."

Remus pulled any dress out of the closet and showed it to Tonks, "Is that it?"

"No, it's not body-hugging, Remus, plus this dress is terribly big for me."

Remus put that dress back in the closet beautifully and took out the next dress, "What about this?"

Tonks shrugged, "If Dumbledore wants a prostitute for his funeral then yes, I bought this dress when I was 17 and wanted to look like a bitch."

,,Why do you still have this dress then?"

,,Do you see a lot of clothes I have? Do you really think I bothered to clean my closet?"

,,Stupid question. "Remus also put that dress back in the closet and pulled out a third dress," How about that? "

"That's the right dress, throw it here!"

Remus throwed the dress to the bed.

"Thank you, honey," Tonks said, grabbing the dress "Could you throw me my black lace lingerie too? But make sure they are ... "

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