Order Of The Phoenix

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It was an ordinary day in the Auror's office. Mad-Eye Moody walked down the corridor, researching intently what his young colleagues were doing and whether they were still doing an exemplary job. Moody's magical eye stopped, however, at one firm office, and he headed straight there. The office belonged to his student Nymphadora Tonks, who had become a full Auror just a year ago, and who was also the only female Auror in the entire British Ministry of Magic. Young Auror slept, her head resting against the table, and her pink hair spread over it.

,,Tonks, wake up!" Moody said loudly, but young Auror didn't move," Tonks, wake up. It's time to go." a small murmuring sounded, but she did not wake up," WAKE UP, NYMPHADORA."

,,Don't call me Nymphadora!"Tonks jumped up suddenly, she seemed confused, but when she realized Moody was standing in front of her, she grinned sleepily," What do you want Moody?!"

,,Don't you remember, we have our first meeting today!"

,,Ou, you mean this Order thing!"

,,Shut up, Nymphadora, not here. The whole ministry house has ears!" Moody growled.

,,This is my office. There's nobody here except the two of us and my nasty paperwork!" said Tonks.

,,Just be careful. Wrong words and you will lose your job."

,,I know Mad-Eye, I know, sorry...!"

,,Okey, we need to go. Come!"

They quickly left the ministry. When they reached the side street Moody grabbed Tonks and they appeared in a place where Tonks had never been before. In front of them was a bunch of white row houses. Moody still held Tonks's arm firmly and pulled her forward. Suddenly Moody stopped, Tonks would almost trip if he hadn't been holding her tight. Old Auror put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed the paper to Tonks and she looked at the fine paper with big eyes.

,,What does it mean?" asked Tonks. She read the text on the paper," Headquarters is located Grimmauld place 12."

Tonks was startled when she saw the two houses slowly shifting in front of them and behind them a new house appeared, much darker and scarier than the others.

,,Wow..." she sighed deeply and stepped towards the door of the house.

,,Try not to make too much noise." Moody shouted.


,,You will see!" Moody put his wand on the door and muttered the password, the door opened and he led her into the house.

The house is much darker on the inside than it was on the outside.

There were gloomy paintings on the walls and a large number of dead houseelfs heads. The house was dark and dusty. Everywhere there were signs of decay and toxic mold that seemed to be being tried to wash off the walls.

Tonks stepped forward. She was insecure. She heard Moody's hard steps from behind her and a silent conversation in the next room.

Suddenly, Tonks senseed her feet stuck behind something and she saw the ground approached her quickly. She fell to the floor with a strong bang.

,,NYMPHADORA!" Moody grazed.

,,Blood traitor, nasty figure changers, filthy animals, my ruined house, the pride of my family is ruined ...!" screamed angry woman voice.

,,WHAT IS IT?" Tonks asked, she was really confused and her hands was hurt because of falling.

A number of people ran out of the next room, who seemed very upset by the noise. A man with dark hair quickly went to Moody's and helped him silence the screaming portrait of the woman. Tonks looked around nervously, and the scary idea of that the Death Eaters had trapped her come to her mind.

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