Andromeda And Little Red Riding Hood

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I know it's Teddy in this picture, but let's imagine it's Tonks ... okay?


,,Mom, please, just listen to me. I love him, mom!"

,,There is no such thing as love! If you want then go to him! You no longer have a place in this house. You're so spoiled. Pregnant, and who is father ah...a man with dirty blood. You're a scum now." Druella Black yelled to her daughter and she forcefully pushed her out the door of the house,, Go, and live your sad life with this mudblood! And never don't come back here anymore!"

And then the door closed, and 18-year-old Andromeda was left on the street, she had no money, no stuffs... she had nothing, only a child who growing inside her.

She went to the only place she knew she would be welcomed. It was a small cottage ... a cottage where a man lived because whom Andromeda was now homeless.

She carefully knocked on the door for fear of she being sent away. The door opened and a young man with gentle dark brown eyes stared at her.

,,Dromeda? Whats wrong? Why you crying?" man asked.

,,Mom kicked me out. I have nowhere to go." she said.

,,Ou dear...I should have known that was happening. Come on in, love. Everything will be fine. You can stay here."

,,Thank you, Ted."

Ted took in Andromeda's hand and led her inside the house, they sat on the couch, Ted pulling her to his lap. And suddenly he noticed a bruise on her.

,,Who did it to you?"

,,My dad, he was angry." Andromeda answered.

,,Your parents are monsters. But don't worry, dear, you're safe with me. I won't let anyone hurt you or our daughter. I promise you this."

,,Thank you. I love you so much, Ted!"

,,I love you to, Dormeda. By the way, can I ask you something."

,,Of course."

,,Do you marry me?" And he pulled out a small box containing a silver ring with blue diamond.


,,Andy, please talk to me!"

,,No, go awey, Narcissa! I know what you want! You could tell Bellatrix she never couldn't hurt Nymphadora."

,,Why are you so stupid? Don't you realize that your so-called family is destroying your life. But Andy, you still have a chance, leave it and come home with me. Mom and Dad will definitely forgive you. We can also say that this man used a love potion on you." Narcissa shouted.

,,Forget it! I love my husband and I would never leave him or Nymphadora, ever!" The little purple-haired child started crying in Andromeda's lap and demanded her mother's attention,, Go away, Narcissa."

,,Not until you are willing to come home with me!"

,,Never!" Andromeda replied.

,,Do we mean nothing to you anymore, Andy?"

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