The greatest joy of two heart

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They arrived home late at night. Sirius immediately disappeared to his room, leaving two love birds alone. Remus grabbed Tonks' hand, what now was decorated with a shining ring, and led her to the couch. They sat on the couch and crawled as close to each other as they could, without any space or air between them.

Tonks had a persistent smile that did not disappear from her lips throughout the day. She had received a whole bunch of great gifts, but she loved Remus' gift the most ... she adored the ring. She looked at it all the time, checking for its existence. She was now Remus Lupin's fiancé ... fiancé, can there be an even prettier word than fiancé? Maybe a wife?

,,Where did you get such a beautiful ring? I've never seen a more beautiful ring than this, "said Tonks, her eyes fixed to the white stone of the ring.

,,It ... it belonged to my mother, "Remus replied, caressing Tonks' pink hair whit his fingers.

,,To you mother? Oh Remus, I love it even more now."

,, do?"

,,Yeah," she bowed her head to Remus, and kissed his lips softly, "This ring has a history. It certainly belonged to a wonderful and beautiful woman, I am honored to wear it."

,,She would be very happy to know that a nice and lovely woman like you is wearing it now, Dora. She always wishes herself a daughter-in-law and grandchildren."

,,Well, now her dream is coming true. I'm sorry your mother can't be here, Remus." she kissed his cheek and then his lips, Remus 'hand rose to Tonks' cheek, and he pulled her closer to gain better access to her lips.

,,I love you so much, Dora." he whispered against her lips.

,,And I love you even more."

,,It's impossible, my love, impossible!"

,,Nothing is impossible." 

She wrapped both hands around his neck and kissed him tightly. Remus put his hands on Tonks' hips and pulled her into his arms, their bodies pressed against each other, and they felt each other's heart beatings. Their kiss was deep and full of emotion. It was desperate as if their lives depended on the air they shared through a kiss. Remus was startled, this woman drove him crazy, she was his death, and he loved it.

The lack of air forced them to stop after a few minutes. Tonks put her head on Remus' shoulder. For a while, they sat in silence, enjoying each other's warmth and comfort.

,,Remus?" she stopped the silence.


,,Are we really getting married?" There was a slight but noticeable concern in her voice.

,,I think I made the proposal, didn't I?"

,,Yes, you did, but ... I ... I'm just afraid you'll change your mind."

,,Oh, Dora," he whispered, "I will never change my mind, not anymore. I love you and I want to call you my wife. I will never leave you again."

She smiled, "I love you too. And I want to be your wife." she put her hand on Remus' cheek and looked him deep in the eye, "When will we get married?"

,,When do you want to?" he asked.

,,Tonight, right now!"

,,It gives us very little time to plan, honey."

,,I don't care. I don't want to wait any longer."

,,Me too," he said," But tonight, is a little too early. Although you look very beautiful in this pajamas, I don't think you want to get married in it. Besides, your father and mother would kill us both if we didn't invite them to the wedding."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now