We never say goodbye

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Two sunsets later, Ted Tonks had made his decision. It wasn't easy, but he knew he had to do this.

Tears flowed down of two woman's cheeks. Their lips trembled as they hugged Ted hard and cried against his wide shoulder. Ted wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter, kissing their cheeks one by one.

,,Do you have to go? "Andromeda asked in a sore voice.

,,I have to, my dear. If I stay, I will endanger the lives of all of you. "

,,But, Dad, you can't go. You can't leave us. "Tonks cried, her eyes were dark red, and her hands were clamped to Ted's coat.

,,Oh honey, "Ted raised his hand to wipe the tears from his daughter's cheeks," But I'll be back. I'm only away for a while. I will not leave you, my love." he turned Tonks' eyes to look at him and smiled tenderly, "I'll be back before you realize, honey. I'll be back soon. I want to see the birth of my grandson."

,,I want that too, "Tonks said, turning her head to Remus, who was standing a little away from his nest, and his eyes were slightly wet with tears," We'd love it. "

Ted smiled, and pulled Tonks into a strong hug, "I'll miss you, my baby girl. Always remember that Dad loves you, and I'll come back to you."

,,I love you too, Dad. "Tonks placed her head-on Ted's shoulder, her lungs gasping desperately for air, and her eyes squeezing out salty tears," Please come back."

,,Of course, I'll be back, honey. I promise. "He kissed Tonks' cheek and then turned to Andromeda, who almost fell into his arms and hugged him as hard as a skinny woman like her could do," Oh, Doromeda, please don't cry, my dear. Don't do that. Your eyes are too beautiful for tears. I will come back. Already at the Christmas table, you can whine again about my terrible table manners and noisy voice. You just have to wait a bit." Andromeda smiled a little. She closed her brown eyes and kissed her husband's lips quickly before putting her head back on his shoulder and crying on. Tonks wrapped her arms around her mother, and she hugged both of her parents as if it were their last.

A gentle and sincere smile appeared on Remus's lips. He wished he could take that pain away from them all. The thought of seeing such pain in Tonks' eyes tormented him deeply, but he knew it was important to protect them all, and Remus fully supported Ted with his decision. Seconds passed. Every emotion flowed into them like fiery lava. They didn't have the strength to let go. They didn't have that will. The fear that they may lose all those happy feelings. The world had changed so fast. No one knew what to expect from tomorrow. But no one could have thought that the world would force them to say goodbye and leave. The war had shattered hundreds of families. And alas, it all seemed to be just the beginning.


,,Yeah, sweety?"

,,Do you remember how you took me to swim for the first time? I was four then. You tried to teach me to swim, but I had clung to you and asked you not to let me go, "Tonks said softly, the memory calling a smile on her lips.

,,Yes, I remember, honey, "Ted replied.

,,Good. Please don't do this. Hold on to me and never let go. "

,,I promised you I would never do that. And I will never break my promise, honey. "

,,I know, " she said," I'll let you go. But only so you can come back and hug me again."

,,There is nothing else in this world that I would like more. I will come back and hug you both so strongly that you are asking for my mercy." giggled Ted," Hey Dora?" Tonks raised her head and looked into her father's eyes, "Who is my little pinky flower?"

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now