A walk in the woods

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The first months of the New Year, passed quickly. It took a lot of work for the whole Order. Death Eaters conducted small attacks to remind the Order that they still existed and it was time to get out of the holiday season. In the last few months, Remus and Tonks only saw each other in the evenings. It happened that when Tonks had a day off then Remus had to do some Order missions. Tonks spent a lot of time with Sirius, visited her parents, and met her old friends a couple of times, and she even managed to get Mike and Holly back into contact with Charlie. Spring had arrived, Tonks and Remus had a free weekend together.

,,Remus, what do we do in our free time?" asked young Auror.

They sat in the kitchen and had breakfast, Sirius was at the other end of the table and listened intently to a couple talks.

,,We will go out of town, for example, into the forest. The spring is always very beautiful in the woods." Remus came up with the idea.

,,That's a wonderful idea, honey. I know a great place, I once went there to fishing with dad. It is away from the city, with a beautiful forest and a small pond and a waterfall, not many people visit this forest, it is a completely secluded place. A great place to spend one day away from everything." she answered enthusiastically.

,,We must definitely go there. I pack some food for us and we can spend there a whole day."

,,But what about me?" Sirius asked suddenly, Remus and Tonks, who had forgotten the presence of a black-haired man, suddenly turned their heads to him,, You really leave me to rot alone, in here, in this dreadful house."

,,Padfoot, you know..."

,,Yes, Remus, I know I can't leave this house. But really, as Nym said, this forest is secluded."


,,But Remus, maybe we can really bring him along. He really deserves it, he's been locked in this house for eternity." Tonks said, looking at Remus with begging eyes,, Honey, he deserves little more freedom."

,,Dora, it is too dangerous. If anyone sees him, he'll be taken back to the Azkaban, and what would your superiors think if they found out you were walking around in the woods with Sirius Black and the old werewolf. The fact that you're going somewhere with me is already dangerous enough, Dora." said Remus seriously.

,,Honey, pleace!"

,,Yes, honey, pleace!" begged Sirius, he leaned over to Remus and looked at Remus's scarred face with his dark and sad eyes.

,,Sirius...Dora..." Remus sighed, and at that moment two cousins ​​knew they had won the battle,, Okay, but Sirius you have to be a dog. At least a little bit safer."

,,Yayyyy!" Tonks cheered happily and wrapped her arms around Remus's neck and hugged him tightly.

Sirius leapt up from behind the table and leapt around the kitchen with great joy:,, REALLY, MOONY! Thank you, thank you, thank you, I promise I will behave well and will not make you a problem! Finally, some fresh air."

They appeared right in the middle of the forest. The warm spring air blew nicely, and the sweet scent of the flowers flew through the air. The forest was dense. A short distance away they heard the water falling from the waterfall. Remus wrapped his arm around Tonks' waist, Auror holding a leash with Snuffles, who flagged his tail. Sirius pulled the strap from Tonks hands harder, trying to untie and run off the strap.

,,Snuffles, stay, we'll let you run later." Remus said sharply.

But Sirius was still frantically pulling the strap, trying to free himself from Tonks' grip.

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