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This is Sirius Junior's POV. Let's HAVE SOME FUN.


The world is changing, my homes are changing all the time, and the people who are moving around in your home change too. When I was little, I had a lot of friends of my kind, I had my sisters, brothers, cousins, and a gray-headed old man. But one day that old man disappeared and one by one my family began to disappear quietly into new homes. That's when this pink-haired woman came out. She gave me a name, talked to me in such a high tone as if I were an idiot or something. She bought me things that the old man never gave us, she filled the whole house abruptly with tiny rattling balls and running game mice. She bought me a nest to sleep on, but I never slept in it. Every night, this pink-haired woman took me to sleep next to her, she smoothed my fur and talked about how much she loves me and how dear I am to her. It warmed my heart in a way that this old man and my former friends could never do. As I grew older, my new hostess often started to be gone and one day she took me away from home. It broke my heart, she left me, just like that old man and my friends had done. She left me with two other people, she visited me so infrequently, and every time she left me there, she never took me home. So much time passed, and the woman who called herself my mother did not come after me until one day. She came back, eyes full of tears, cracks in her heart. I wanted to hate her, she had left me, but I couldn't hate her. She had cave me so much love when I was little. She brought me back home. It seemed that things were getting the same again. But that did not happen. Something in my mother's soul was different, she cried often. She was often gone and every time she got back home she was tired, depressed, and sad. Those were the moments when she needed me. She took me in her hands and whispered to me how unfair this world is and how heartless men can be. There was no suspicion, someone had broken her heart. It took a while, but one day this reason for her broken heart stepped inside our home, and believe it or not, but that arrogant began to live with us, and it seemed to my mother that there was nothing wrong with it. She was even happy. He made her happy. There was nothing for me anymore. Yes, I had my toys, my own room, my food, but this man had taken my mother from me. And he had to pay for it. I never treated him well and all the time I had the opportunity, I ran into my mother's arms, depriving him of my mother's tenderness. She's my mom, not his! Somehow, that nasty bastard multiplied. Another similar one appeared, but he smelled like dogs. I don't like dogs. But I liked him, he never climbed on my mother's lap, nor tried to eat my mother's face with his lips. He kept his distance, and I respect that, a lot. We lived like this for quite some time. Me, my mom, a dog man, and that mother-stealing idiot. One night, when I was home alone, a bunch of strangers appeared in our home. They destroyed half of our home and left behind something that smelled like blood. After that night, we all started rushing and went back to where I had been for several months when my mother left me. It was fine, everything was fine. Kinda. People came and disappeared, came back again, and disappeared again. One was lost forever, the big man, he never came back. Although things seemed complicated, my mother still loved me, but her love disappeared when this little screaming thing came out of nowhere. Mom and this man ran as soon as that thing started screaming. This thing cries all the time. As if that weren't enough, this dog man brought another dog. This time a real dog. Someone who barks, runs around, and does otherwise stupid things that dogs do. That was the last straw for me. I don't agree with that anymore. Just don't. That's enough. No more. None. I'm completely alone. Alone in a narrow room in the attic. I hate being alone, but I don't want to be with traitors either. My mother betrayed me. She said she loves me, but she doesn't. She loves everyone but me.


I hear her voice. It calls me. Steps from the stairs leading to the attic. She opens the door and looks at me. I lie on the couch what like is smelling old mold, and I look at her. Without warning, she comes to me and pulls me into her arms. Her tender hands pet my head. I love that feeling, I love her. She sits on the couch, still holding me in her arms.

,,Is everything all right, honey?" she asks me, but I don't answer, she doesn't deserve my answer," Why are you so moody? Is it about the puppy?"

Wow Sherlock.

,,You should give her a chance. You could become friends," my mother is so naive," She just wants to be your friend. "

,,Meow, "I answer evilly.

,,That's right, my little baby, friends, " my mom said with a smile.


,,You know, even if we are no longer just us, we are always there for each other. You are my first pet and you will always stay that way, even if I have a husband, a son, and a puppy, there is always a place for you. Don't just be so moody. Okay?"

No, that's not okay. Maybe if you take the rest back to where they came from, maybe I can forgive you.

,,You are so cute. But hey, let 's go back to civilization. " she got up from the couch and dragged me as a hostage from the attic straight to the room where my enemies were. The man was lying on the bed, wearing a bathrobe and holding a book, as always. I think my mother's big pet is a nerd. And then this other, this little blue thing, sleeps in his hanging bed. He must be an overgrown bacterium, or whatever, a strange pet anyway. And then it's, ehh, the puppy. He jumps around the floor, waving his tail like an idiot. Why do dogs have to be so stupid?

Mom puts me down. I try to escape the room but she closes the door. I'm trapped and there's no way out. And the dog is already coming to me.

,,Are you sure this is a good idea, Dora?" the man asked my mother.

,,They have to get through sooner or later," my mother replied, crawling into bed next to the man.

I would be jealous if I didn't have a bigger problem. The dog was already with me, she wanted to play, but I didn't. She wanted to be my friend, but I don't need friends. I'm a cat and we're alone or with our moms. Not with dogs.

I have a few harsh words for my mother, "Meow!"

The dog reacted to my voice, she understood my language, not the others. And she talked to me too. She said "jelly". She doesn't seem to be the smartest, and vocabulary isn't her greatest strength. But what do you still expect from a dog? Maybe as she gets older, she'll get smarter too? Who knows.

She got even closer, sniffing me. I showed her my teeth, I made a voice. I drove her away, but she didn't leave. She's was just getting closer and closer. I hit her with my claws, but it didn't deter her. I was ready to jump on her, but then I heard a familiar bell voice. It was one of my balls. We both looked at the bed, my mom was there, holding one of my dark green balls between her fingers. She threw it at us through the air. Both the dog and I run towards it, trying to grab it. I got it and played with it until it went under the bed. The dog took the opportunity and ran after it. I missed my ball. But then the dog becomes visible again, my ball between her teeth, and she brought it back to me. She gave it to me. She let me play with it until it disappeared again, and she brought it back again. Maybe dogs aren't that bad. Maybe I can even accept that.


,,What do you mean, darling? "Remus asked, looking at his smiling wife, whose gaze was fixed on the cat and the puppy.

,,They are so cute together. And soon Teddy will play with them. Think of our babies playing all together, "Tonks replied, looking at Remus.

,,This cat is just your baby. He still hates me, "

,,No, he doesn't hate you, "Tonks replied firmly, looking back at her pets, her mouth wide with a smile.


Okay, I love this chapter. It was so much fun to write. Sirius Junior is one of my favorite original characters I've ever created. I hope you enjoyed this chapter too.

There will probably be a lot of new chapters coming soon, because I'm locked home for two weeks due to the coronavirus. So I have a lot of time to write.

Thanks to everyone who has read. See you soon!

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