Back to the family

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Two days later, Tonks was finally healthy enough to get out of the hospital.

Remus helped her change her clothes, and together they carefully left the hospital. Remus held his hand round Tonks, lest she lose her balance. Tonks was still very weak, and her legs barely worn her. Because the appeareting was too dangerous for Tonks, they had to order a taxi and drove it near the headquarters. Young Auror was able to fall asleep in the car. By the time the car reached in grimmauld place , Tonks was already asleep. Remus paid the driver and carefully took Tonks in his lap. He headed for the headquarters door and knocked his knee against the door.

,,Who's there?" Asked a murmur similar to Moody's voice.

,,Me, Remus John Lupin, Werewolf and longtime member of the Order. I'm bringing a really sleepy and surprisingly weighty gift here." said Remus.

The door opened and Moody looked behind it. His normal eye was squeezed on Tonks's face, and the magical eye was fixed on Remus:,, How is she?"

,,She's doing fine. "Remus answered entering the house,, She's just a little tired. She fell asleep in the car."

,,We should let her rest. I'm telling Molly she has to wait a bit for her party."

,,Thank you, Moody. I'll take her to bed and then I'll help Molly with party..."

,,No way, my boy, you also have to rest. We can do it ourselves. Go now. And make sure you don't leave this room in the next five hours."

Remus sighed, knowing that it was as pointless to argue with Moody as with Molly. He stepped up the stairs and took Tonks to their room. He gently placed her on the bed and wrapped her in a warm blanket. He lay next to Tonks and went as close to her as he could. After a while, Remus had fallen asleep, his face in Tonks pink hair.


The smells of dinner made by Molly Weasley, hovered around the house, invading the rooms and making people, who was inside of them, hungry growl.

Tonks's tired eyes slowly opened. Although her eyesight was extremely blurry, she recognized the beige jacket of Remus on which her head rested. Remus's calm heartbeat rang from under her head and his soft breath blowing against her hair. Although Auror felt severe pain in her head, and a strange tightness in her stomach, Remus's presence was so calming that Tonks forgot her pain and wished the moment would last forever. After a few minutes, Remus breathe faster and he opened his eyes.

,,Morning, honey!" he said with sleepy voice, there was a very sleepy look in his eyes.

,,Morning, my wolfy." Tonks lifted her head and looked at Remus's bright eyes and then kissed his forehead,, What time is it?"

,,Umm..." Remus raises his right hand around her waist and looks at his father's old watch,, Nine in the morning."

,,Wow, I slept for so long."

,,How you feel, Sweetheart?" he asked.

,,Fine, my head hurts a little, but otherwise it's okay." A low, but loud, sound came from Tonks's stomach,, And I think I'm a little hungry."

,,Well, then let's go to the downstairs, I'm sure Molly's had made a breakfast." Remus smiled softly, got up from the bed and pulled Tonks with him. They changed clothes and then headed down the stairs to the kitchen, but for some reason the door was locked

,,Let's go through the living room, there's a spare door that leads directly into the kitchen." Remus said as he leaded the young Auror to the door of the living room, Tonks hand tightens slightly on Remus's hand.

Remus opened the door and as soon as the door was opened, all the lights go on and there were a lot voices that said:,,Welcome back, Tonks!"

She was very surprised. The whole Order stood in front of her, the living room filled with pink and purple balloons, and in the middle of the room was big table full of food. In addition to the Order, there were all the Weasley children, Harry and Hermione.

Sirius stepped toward the door with ceremonial steps and grabbed hold of his cousin's hand.

,,Welcome back to home, Nym. We all missed you."

,, you all...why...!" Tonks was awkward, she couldn't say anything, she was overjoyed, but she was embarrassed because others had worked so hard for her.

,,We was so worred, girl. You scared us terribly. And since it was a mission of the Order, if you were hurt, it was our fault at times." said Moody.

,,Come on, honey, sit down. You're definitely hungry." Molly pointed to the chair in the middle of the table.

Everyone sat down at the table and began to eat food made by Molly. They talked, made jokes. Tonks had a wonderful time. At one point, Tonks began to closely monitor everyone. The warm tenderness filled her when she thought to them. They were like a big family.

Molly as a mother, Sirius as a big brother, Moody as a paranoid uncle (or a loving stepfather to Tonks), Arthur as curious and energetic uncle, Kingsley as cousin with a good career, Dung as a criminal uncle, Hesta as a big sis, Emmeline as a lovely aunt, Snape as a distant cousin whom no one can tolerate, Mr Diggori as uncle who hug you too long time, Bill as a Handsome cousin, Charlie as a extreme hobby cousin, Fleur as a extremely beautiful cousin who can afford all the men she wants, Dumbledore as a father in the heart, Minerva as a aunt whom everyone respects, a little afraid of, but still loves completely, Every teenager as a little sister or brother and Remus as a quiet and humble family member who has brought along a pink-haired bride ... Tonks.

She felt at home. She felt safe and loved because they were all here. Oddly, she even enjoyed Snape's presence.

,,Are you all right, Dora?" Remus asked, his voice calm and sweet.

,,Yeah, I was just thinking." she said.

,,About what?"

,,About my family." she answered without thinking, the order was her family.

Remus's gaze moved to his plate, Tonks seeing a look on his face that she had never seen before. Was it regret?

,,I'm sorry, Dora."

,,Why are you sorry?" she asked in amazement.

,,Well, because of me, you're having a fight with your mom now. I'm sorry!"

,,Remus..." Tonks put her hand on Remus's face,, Remus, look at me." he reluctantly turned his head, Tonks' bright brown eyes gazing at him gently,, I don't care about that. She made her choice. And I will made my choice, I chose you. I don't need her, I have you, my father, the whole Order. This is my family. You are. I don't need a mother who doesn't want me to be happy."

,,But you're unhappy that she's not here, are you?"

,,I'm just unhappy because she can't let go of her prejudices and respect my decisions. Remus, I love you and that's all what matter."

,,I love you too, Dora."


Author's note

Thank you to everyone who has read so far. Already over 1000 readings and I am very happy about it. Thank you all.

Sorry for not writing a long time ago. There is a lot to do in school, and besides, I go to work now and have no time to write.

The next update will be coming soon I promise

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