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Remus lay on his hard mattress in a small log cabin. He couldn't sleep. He knew this was his last night in hell. If all goes well, he'll run away with Dora tomorrow, and if things don't go so well ... Dora will escape alone, but Remus won't let her die.

Remus could do nothing but think of his Dora. He wanted to go and get her there right away, he wanted to escape right away. But the plan was that they would do it tomorrow just before the full moon had risen, because then it would be easiest for them to get past the other werewolves. At that moment, they are the most vulnerable.

Remus sighed and turned to the other side. He thought the children were asleep, but when he turned he saw that all three children were watching him calmly. Remus slowly seated and then looked at the children with a slightly embarrassed look.

"You probably have a lot of questions," Remus said.

"A little," Sarah answered.

,,Go on then."

,,Who is this woman? Why you want to save her?"

Remus sighed again, looking at his scarred hands and ready to respond, but Lyra didn't give him that chance, "She's Lupin's wife."

,,She's not my wife. She's my ex-girlfriend. " said Remus.

,,Anyway, Lupin still loves her, and this woman loves him. But because one of the bearded men told Lupin to come here to spy, Lupin had to leave her. By the way, the fun fact, this girl is my relative."

,,Sir, are you the traitor Greyback talks about all the time." Marco asked.

,,Yeah, I'm a Dumbledore spy, sent here to try to persuade werewolves not to go to Voldemort side, and to prevent Greyback attacks. I managed to stop the attacks, but otherwise I failed. That's probably why Dumbledore started to divide Wolfsbane, and Nymphadora got here."

,,But ... Greyback will kill you if he it finds out. What if tomorrow's escape goes wrong?" asked Sarah in a panicked voice.

,,Then I will do my best to prevent you and Dora from suffering. I don't really like the idea of ​​putting your life into danger." Remus explained in a harsh voice.

,,We want to help you, sir. You have help us so much, now it's our turn to help you." Lyra said, she crossed her arms across her chest and looked at Remus with a look that reminded him of an angry Sirius.

,,I know you wanna help, Lyra. But I don't want you to suffer for it. So you have to promise me that if something goes wrong, you will run away. Greyback doesn't know you helped me. And when things get too dangerous, you get out of here and find me in London."

,,But ... we can't. Ordinary people would never accept us." Sarah said sadly.

,,Yes, you can, Sarah. And don't worry, there are a lot of people out there who don't care, and after the war is over, things can get better. Dumbledore will find someone who is willing to take care of you, and maybe your parents would be very happy to see you."

,,Mr. Lupin, my and Sarah's parents aren't wizards. Whatever we say to them, they would never believe what happened to us. They didn't abandon us, the Ministry took us away from them, and Greyback kidnapped us from the Ministry. Our parents must not know that we are werewolves. They wouldn't believe us, and we could kill them." said Marco with a loud voice, his unfortunate eyes moving from Remus to the window, and the young man sighed unhappily, "We can never go back, our place is here."

,,No, your place is in real world, with your family. No one has the right to rob you of the opportunity to lead a normal life with your family. I promise you if all this is over, if the war is over, and if I'm still alive by then, I'll take you home and explain to your parents everything. And if I'm not alive, someone else is. But now go to sleep, tomorrow there is plenty to do and you need energy for the full moon."

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