First full moon

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,,Dora dear, please listen to me! "

,,No, Remus, no. I'm not doing this, I'm not locking him up. I 'm not leaving him alone." Tonks shouted, closing the door in front of Remus' nose with a loud bang.

The bang made Teddy cry, Tonks hold him firmly and defensively against herself, swaying him lightly, trying to calm him down again. She grabbed the pacifier from the closet and carefully put it in Teddy's mouth, it calmed the baby. Teddy had been in a bad mood all day, he was crying all the time, and Tonks always felt like he was in pain somewhere. Remus blamed himself for it, because it was a full moon. Teddy's first full moon. Tonks argued to Remus that Teddy was fine, that he had not inherited his father's curse. But Remus didn't believe it. He only heard his son cry, and the easiest thing was to blame himself for it.

,,Honey, please listen to me, "Remus asked as he opened the door and entered the room.

Tonks sat on the bed, holding Teddy in her arms, as if he was something more expensive than gold and diamonds combined, "No, I'm not listening to you. Not this time." she said through tears.

Remus sighed painfully and sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing her hand gently, "I don't want to do that either, Dora. Honestly. Honey, we don't know if he's a werewolf like me or not ..."

,,He 's not, " she cried, hugging her son more.

,,How are you sure about that? "

,,Mother's heart knows such things. He's doesn't hurt because full moon, he just has gases, "

Remus closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to believe his wife's words, he really wanted to. His soul longed for it, but the mind said it was not the truth. Life was never fair and nothing was pure happiness, there was always something wrong, especially for Remus.

,,Dora, please, just listen to me. We don't know if he's changing or not, and I can't be here tonight if something happens. If he change and you can't protect yourself from him. He must be alone, and you and Andromeda far away from him. If he doesn't change, then you can go. If you're sure it's safe, you can go to him. "

,,What if he changes? Do I just have to listen to him suffer? "Tonks asked in a broken voice, pulling her hand away from Remus' grip and gently stroking Teddy's golden yellow hair.

Remus didn't answer, he stood up and headed for the window, leaning against the window table with all his might, "I know I shouldnt have pull you into this life,"

,,Don't start it again!"

Remus sighed again, letting him head sink against the glass. Tonks glanced at him and then looked away again. She did not understand whether anger or frustration was raging in her.

,,Why is it always the case that if something is wrong or doesn't seem normal, then you want to leave?" she asked.

,,I don't want to leave, Dora, "Remus said quickly, stepping abruptly towards Tonks and Teddy, he knelt down in front of them," Do never think like that. I will never leave you. "

,,But why not, you left twice. Why not anymore? Ah? "Tonks was angry, she looked at Remus as if he were her enemy," What's different now? You believe Teddy is not normal, the last time you believed it you left us. But you know what, I'll never leave him, as you did once. I'll never leave him unless I have to. And nothing in this world is so important that I would leave him. If it's not to save you or him, "tears flowed from her eyes like a waterfall melting in the heat of spring," If it's not to give him a chance to live, to give him a chance to grow and be happy. I could die for him, just as I could die for you. It's not right to leave him alone tonight so I can save myself. Even if he changes tonight and attacks me if I have to die, I know I did everything I could to help him. To make him feel better. My life is not as important as he's. You should understand that, you feel the same way. Feel that there is someone you need to protect with your last strength and until your last breath." Tonks turned her head, lowering it. Tears streamed down her face, falling on Teddy's blanket. Her hands trembled, keeping the baby precious and safe. Remus sat on the bed again, wrapping his arms around his wife and son, pulling crying Tonks near him. Tonks' head fell on his shoulder, her own shoulders shaking from an avalanche of emotions.

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