Past or future

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Sirius and Tonks followed the twins, they went to the top floor of the store and entered Fred and George's office. The office is in dark red and wood tones, there were two large tables, and a bunch of different jokes stuff and drawings of new goods. There was a dark red couch on which sat almost the same red hair young man.

,,Hello Tonks," said the young man.

,,Wotcher Charlie," Auror replied.

,,Oh yeah, we forgot to mention to you, Tonks, that your ex is here." said Fred with a smile, George smiled with exactly the same, cunning look.

,,Charlie is not only my ex, he is also one of my best friends. I don't mind that he is here. To be honest, I'm very happy to see you, Dragon Boy." Tonks smiled at the young man, who had the same freckled face as herself.

,,Nice to see you too, pink. Although you're not very pink anymore." he said.

,,Things change, people change. I've probably grown up. I'm not a kid anymore, pink isn't my color anymore, "said Tonks, her smile was this time pretended, and much dimmer.

,,Liar. You haven't grown up, you never do. You still love it when your hair is pink. It's his fault, he broke you. I know everything, Mom told me how you tried to commit suicide because of him. And if Remus hadn't come in your life, Melina will be alive, "Charlie's voice was offensive and his gaze overly protective.

,,Melina's death is not Remus' fault! Remus wasn't even in London at the time! "

,,If it weren't for Remus, you wouldn't have gotten pregnant and been depressed. You wouldn't have gone shopping with Melina, and you wouldn't have been attacked. Melina died because you fell in love with the wrong person."

,,Hey, brother, your talk is a little unfair, "George said, looking at his older brother seriously.

"We can't blame anyone for what happened, we are in a war! People die every minute, "added Fred.

Charlie got up from the couch and stepped over to Tonks, took the woman by the hand and said in a much more gentle voice, "Life goes on, Tonks. You have to let him go. If you don't, you will permanently destroy yourself. Are you sure this is what you want? Even if Remus changes his mind, do you want to live like a werewolf wife? You would lose your job, people would ignore you, they would treat you as one of them ... as if you were one of them ... a monster."

,,Monster is a very strong word, Charlie. They are not monsters." Tonks said.

,,Okay. But is this the future you really want? Is that what makes you happy?" he asked.

,,Happier than I ever have been."

A gentle smile appeared on Charlie's lips, he let go of Tonks.

"Be safe," Charlie said, walking to the door without saying a word.

Others heard his steps down the stairs and his exit from the store door. For a while, everyone was silent. The twins looked at each other with confused gazes, Sirius looked around thoughtfully, his hands pressed defensively into a fist, and Tonks, she stood petrified in the middle of the room, trying to figure out the meaning of Charlie's words, and more importantly, what his words might bring.

,,What the hell did that mean?" Sirius finally snapped.

Fred shrugged, "No idea."

"How do you don't know? He is your brother! "

"Charlie is a very closed person, none of us have any idea what's going on in his head," George said.

"Maybe Bill knows, but no one else does," Fred added.

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